This has been driving me crazy for 2 weeks, since my last u/s at 8 weeks. When the tech did the intravaginal u/s we saw both heartbeats beating away just fine. She explained which one was Baby A and Baby B and then she began to measure Baby A. I should have been 8wks 1day according to my LMP but I know that can vary. She measured A at 7 wks and 3 days, and then she measured again getting it at 7 wks and 5 days. She clicked where the heart was beating (DH said she was a little off to the side of it) and while we could clearly see Baby A's heartbeating we had a hard time hearing it. The machine was picking it up a little, enough to measure it at 158 BPM. She did it again later and we were able to hear it but it still wasn't as loud as Baby B's HB, which also measure 158. We could hear B's loud and clear and it measured 7 wks 6 days. She said that it may be a technical error because Baby A was a little behind Baby B, which didn't make sense to me since she said Baby A is the one closer to the cervix. She showed everything to the OB and the OB wasn't concerned, so I probably shouldn't be either.
I have no idea how the u/s machine actually works so my question is...I know you can pick up an echo with the doppler, but is there anyway that she was picking up an echo from Baby B since their HR's were the same? When she places that little box where the heartbeat is, does that mean the probe only picks up sound from that spot? TIA, sorry if this is confusing.
Re: 10 weeks with twins and I have to ask.
I'll take a stab at this, since it's 4am and I can't sleep... First, baby A does not need to be bigger than baby B. Just because it's closer to the cervix doesn't mean it measures ahead of B. The only reason they call it A is because it's closer to the cervix- nothing to do with size.
Also, 7 or 8 weeks seems SUPER early to listen for heartbeats. I don't think I heard mine til closer to 15 weeks. (We saw them on ultrasounds though). And even now, with my 3lb plus babies, sometimes it's trickier to listen to one than the other. At any point in the pregnancy, there's a range of acceptable heartrates. For me, my bigger baby always has a faster heart rate. But it's not that way for everyone. I'd say that as long as you saw 2 beating hearts, you're fine for now. Try not to get too hung up on the measurements, especially if your OB isn't. They really depend on the person doing the ultrasound and the position of the babies. I know it's hard not to worry, though!
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After having daily NSTs in the hospital while on bedrest, I can say that HRs will definitely vary, but there were plenty of time when their hearts were beating completely in sync at the same rate. And this was when I was pretty far along and I could definitely tell that the boys were in different spots, so it wasn't an echo. It's definitely possible for both of your babies to have the same HR. It doesn't mean it's always the same, just that at the moment when your tech measured each HR, it happened to be the same.
Also, when you're that early, it's hard to catch one hb, let alone 2. And having one baby in front of the other can make it harder to pick up the sound at this GA. Keep in mind that your ute is a 3D environment. Baby A can be closer to the cervix, but Baby B can be in the front and size has nothing to do with uterine placement. As you get farther along, the baby closer to your cervix can change, so baby A now might turn into Baby B. This happened to us, we could tell because the initial baby A was always smaller than the initial baby B.
And remember, no matter who's who in utero, baby A will always be delivered first. Our initial baby A came out second and is labeled as baby B in our paperwork. So I wouldn't stress about who's who. Just focus on 2 beating hearts and 2 babies who look healthy.
TTC #1 Since July 2009 slightly low progesterone, endo, kinked right tube, Clomid, Lap and Hysteroscopy, and 13 months TTC = BFP! (7/23/10) Cautiously Expecting... 8/19/10 - it's TWINS!... 11/8/10 - Boy/Girl twins! Born 37w4d
Married since June 2010
TTC #1 since 04/2011
3 abnormal PAPs and 2 colpo/biopsy since 09/2009
LEEP 05/2011
ASCUS PAP 08/2011 which means no PAP for 6 months!! YAY!!
BFP 11/6/11!! EDD: 7/15/12
1st u/s 11/21/11: TWINS!
16 wks 1/30/12: BOY and GIRL!
Schedualed c-section for 7/2/12 38wks 1day
Went into labor 6/25/12 37wks 1day. Delivered two healthy babies