Nevada reminds me of that movie Four Christmases, "We were all named after the cities we were conceived in. I'm Dallas and he's Orlando" or something lol. Maybe that's what happened with September and Winter, too, haha.
I actually like September, but would neeeever use it.
Brooke-Lyn is AWFUL.
Cloth-diapering, co-sleeping, breast-feeding, C-section Mama
Re: Names from America's Supernanny
that's just mean.
I like September as a GP name, but I would never use it. Morgan is fine, but ONLY on a boy! I HATE boys names on girls. Awful trend!
Winter is pretty, I do like that.
Nevada reminds me of that movie Four Christmases, "We were all named after the cities we were conceived in. I'm Dallas and he's Orlando" or something lol. Maybe that's what happened with September and Winter, too, haha.
I actually like September, but would neeeever use it.
Brooke-Lyn is AWFUL.
Proud Mama to cleft cutie
Oddly, the only Morgans I have ever known were female (including a woman in her 30s). The name always skews feminine to me as a result.
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