
How to get preemie to eat more?

HI ladies!  My daughter was born prematurely at 35 1/2 weeks on Oct 12 (I had PIH, GD and IUGR).  She's 10 weeks old today (adjusted age 5 1/2 weeks).  She was born at 4 lbs and stayed in the NICU for 30 days.  The only real issue she had was learning how to eat.  She left the NICU eating 2 oz every 3-4hrs and has continued that since being home.  We've been able to get her to eat 3 oz occasionally but typically, 1oz is all she wants and to get her to 2 oz is sometimes a struggle. 

 She's still on the Dr. Browns preemie nipple that she left the NICU with and on fortified breastmilk and breastfeeding once a day.  She's gaining weight (up to 7 1/2 lbs at her 2 month check up last week) but the nutritionist doesn't think it's fast enough...they want her gaining an ounce a day basically.

My question is what, if anything, can we do to help her want to eat more at each feeding?

Re: How to get preemie to eat more?

  • If you find out...let me know!

    These little ones have a mind of their own. They do what they want... If there's one thing I've learned, you can't force them to do anything. I've tried it all...rocking her, walking around with her, singing to her...if she doesn't want more, then there's no forcing it.

    Does your LO have reflux? That may be the culprit. Reagan does.

    I've struggled with R and her eating from day one. Even in the NICU. I've just come to the conclusion that she's not going to eat the "recommended" amounts. She has her own "normals" and she doesn't gain weight according to their recommendations either. But she's growing...and she's healthy...and she's such a happy baby.

    I try to remind myself over and over again to try not to count the ounces so much...but I still do.

    To this day, I still have to give Reagan a few ounces... and then go heat up more because she doesn't like it to get cold. You just have to figure out what they like and go with it... Sorry I wasn't more help. I just know what you're going through.

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  • We tried everything, LOL.  The answer is, as long as nothing is medically wrong, I don't think there is anything you can do.

    Does she have any signs of reflux or discomfort when eating?  Any sgns of an allergy?  My guess is, she's just like Andrew and doesn't want to eat a ton.  If she gets tired, we had to swtich Andrew to a 3 month nipple at 1.5 months b/c he couldn't get through bottles - it helped, but be sure she isn't choking.
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  • Have you tried doing smaller feedings more frequently?  My DD was ebf but could never eat a ton at a time, since it would all come back up.  I felt like she was nursing all.the.time, but she did a great job at growing!  GL!
    BFP(1) DD1 born 4.17.10 @ 33w5d due to pPROM
    BFP(4) DD2 born 2.14.13 @ 35w5d due to pPROM

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  • What does your pedi say? Our 35 weeker was 3.5 lbs at birth and 7.13 at 2 mo. She was only put on 1 lb between 3 and 4 mo, but the pedi is happy with it since she's on her curve and developing fine.

    fwiw, she didn't take over 2 oz at a time until around 8 lbs. She takes 3-4 now at 10. and a half or so, and still eats every 2-3 hours around the clock.

  • We've tried to get her to go to a Level 1 a couple different times but she just swallows so much air (even in the side lying, half nipple position) and chokes.

     We've switch the formula from Neosure to GoodStart because of gas and it seems to have helped that part since its easier to digest for her.  We also have her on gripe water and gas drops.

     We suspect a little reflux might be part of it.  She doesn't spit up much but she grunts ALOT (moreso before we changed the formula) like she's in pain or trying to pass something but all of her BMs are loose.  She sleeps better sitting up or on her tummy, otherwise she's up every 30 minutes or so.

  • imagelwmooney87:

    If you find out...let me know!

    These little ones have a mind of their own. They do what they want... If there's one thing I've learned, you can't force them to do anything. I've tried it all...rocking her, walking around with her, singing to her...if she doesn't want more, then there's no forcing it.

    I couldn't have said it better.  We have the same issue with my little nugget.  She is almost 11 months and she STILL won't take more then 4-5oz in a single feeding.  We were fortifying BM to 27 cal up until 7 months (her total daily volume was 18-20oz).  At that time we saw a growth and nutrition specialist who said to ditch the extra calories - he felt she didn't need them and she would self regulate.  Sure enough she started drinking 26-28oz of regular BM/day.  These little babies have their own internal  calorie counter and theres nothing you can do to change that.  We ended up seeing the growth specialist because my pedi thinks that nutritionists can get a little twitchy when it comes to the rate of growth.  I'm slowly learning to not worry - I can't force her to eat.  I can only offer the bottle often and give her lots of healthy, fatty finger foods

  • Hello my son was born at 28 weeks he weighted 2 Pounds 9 Oz 13 1/2 in. long and we had the same problem with him. One good way is when they are eating and they stop take your finger tap on there cheek and move in circlular motions. also try tapping there feet, sitting them up but try not to walk them or sing to them because this is comfort and puts them right to sleep also if your LO is still on the preemie formula then its alot thicker but once they get on regular then they start eating a lot more. my little one was the same way i worried so bad went to the doctor and everything, but now he eats all the time he is a little hunk. lol but like said previously they each have a mind of there on and will only do as they desire but good luck just remember you have to give them time and never give up because not only were they born early there mind is one age and there ability is at another stage so it makes it even harder for them but trust they will get there on there on time. I hoep something in this message was helpful. God Bless you, your little one and your family.

                                                Marry Christmas,

                                                   The Spradlins 

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