<div><a target=_blank href=http://www.pregnology.com/pregnancy/05/26/2014><img border=0 width=450 height=185 src='http://www.pregnology.com/preggoticker2/777777/000000/My pregnancy/05/26/2014.png' alt='Pregnancy%20ticker'></a><br><a style=font-size:9pt;color:#444444 target=_blank href=http://www.pregnology.com>Make a pregnancy ticker</a></div>
Re: Facebook group
Not sure what you're talking about. I see lots of requests, but unless they have emailed me on here they don't get added-and I respond to my PMs. You have apparently been given some bad information. And considering your not even a part of the group I'm not sure how you can comment on who we "let in".
Hi MamaToK,
I am having trouble with my Facebook at the moment, and I will not be on the computer again until after the Holiday's, but I will send you a request on Tuesday if that works?
<div><a target=_blank href=http://www.pregnology.com/pregnancy/05/26/2014><img border=0 width=450 height=185 src='http://www.pregnology.com/preggoticker2/777777/000000/My pregnancy/05/26/2014.png' alt='Pregnancy%20ticker'></a><br><a style=font-size:9pt;color:#444444 target=_blank href=http://www.pregnology.com>Make a pregnancy ticker</a></div>
What is the actual name of the group? I have tried searching for it several times and can not find it. I would like to join.
<div><a target=_blank href=http://www.pregnology.com/pregnancy/05/26/2014><img border=0 width=450 height=185 src='http://www.pregnology.com/preggoticker2/777777/000000/My pregnancy/05/26/2014.png' alt='Pregnancy%20ticker'></a><br><a style=font-size:9pt;color:#444444 target=_blank href=http://www.pregnology.com>Make a pregnancy ticker</a></div>