May 2012 Moms

Question for those who have "popped"

I still haven't "popped" just looking like I ate too much.  But today I feel like I did a million sit ups yesterday and my abs are killing me.  Just wondering if this means I am going to "pop" soon or if this is just another normal thing and it is just everything growing and stretching in there.  TIA! 
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Re: Question for those who have "popped"

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    every time I pop a little more the days before I feel like that w the abs. It sucks because I can NEVER get comfortable but you should pop =]
    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I had a couple days where my abs just felt like they were stretching and within a couple weeks I popped... but I'm not positive that this was an indicator that it was coming in the near future. I felt like everything was just stretching to get ready for baby! But don't worry! You'll pop and still wish you could wear non-maternity clothes when you realize your wardrobe just got cut in half. haha


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    When I popped my abs hurt & I had some round ligament pain.
    Mommy to Anniston (3), Eden (1), and baby on the way. Angel baby 4/2013
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    When I officially starting "popping"  I definitely noticed more RLP a few days before. 
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    I didn't have any pain. All of a sudden, I had a round, protruding belly instead of just looking like I put on a few pounds. DH's eyes almost popped out of his head when he noticed one evening, and the next day everyone at the office said "Whoa, where did that come from!". So weird.
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    I didn't have any pain either. At 17 weeks I had a flat stomach and was just "thicker", and at 18 weeks I started to notice a bulge. I'm 20 weeks now and definitely looks like a bump to me but when I'm wearing clothes it just looks like I have a little lower belly pudge.
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    You know what? For all this talk of "popping" I never popped. At about 13 weeks I noticed a new slight roundness to my belly and it just grew and grew from there, and a month later I've got a pretty substantial baby belly.

    But I think your ab pain does mean something, every time my belly grows a little more I get a sore belly for a few days before!! 

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    Oh good, I hope it means I am about to "pop"  I am sick of looking like I ate too much :)

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