We don't know whether this LO is a boy or girl yet, but it's so fun to think ahead and find names. Originally for a girl we were loving Sarah Jane, but after thinking about it, I'm not super sold on Jane anymore. My reasoning is that Sarah is beautiful, but nothing too sensational and then Jane is pretty, but plain. I don't want my daughter to have two "white bread" names. So, I need to find another middle name that is classic, but has something outstanding about it. For reference of our style, DD #1 is Claire Madeline. TIA!
Also, if you have any good suggestions for boy's names (I have already asked this on this board and recieved some great ideas), that would be great, too...we are stumped! Some that we are thinking of are Silas, Thomas, Elijah or Elias, Henry, or William.
Re: Middle name suggestions, please.
I think Sarah Elaine is cute. But I love the name Elaine hehe
As for a boy, I love Elijah and Silas. You could go with Elijah Thomas, use 2 names that you liked!
We did the same thing, great but short fn, wanted a fun mn. We went with Lucille. Other options we threw around were Madeline (which you already used), Beatrice, Dorothy, Penelope, and Bernadette.
Why not root around your family tree to find something you like?