This was a random thought I had driving home tonight..
Do I remember reading that you said your son doesn't like cows milk and prefers almond or coconut milk?
Has he always not liked it? Did you start with the other milk at 1 year or when?
Is the fat content about the same?
I know nothing about other kinds of milk but I was thinking about how I hate milk and wouldn't mind trying one of the others out.
Re: Lisa
Yes, my son has completely refused milk. At first, we thought he just didn't like the sippy, but even in a bottle, he would totally refuse it. I also don't care for it much, so I guess I'm not terribly surprised.
I was really concerned at first, but after some research (and discussion with my pedi) I realized that it's not necessary for kids to have milk. They can get their calcium and fat from other sources, like cheese and yogurt. Or like you said, Almond/Coco milk. I never really gave him that, though. We drink it now as a part of our regular diet, but it wasn't something I gave him in his sippy cup. He just drank water for most of his early years, then we intro'd diluted apple juice and that's what he gets now (gasp! Juice! He gets 2 or 3 servings a day of either cheese/yogurt. He's a perfectly healthy little 3 year old. And proof that cow's milk isn't always necessary in young children.
BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.