
Can I vent about my MIL for a minute?

Last time I was venting to my mom about her in a e-mail DH saw it and got so upset. He is very defensive about his mom.  I so hope my boys are not like that. 

So anyway, feel free to ignore me but I just need to get it off my chest or I am going to get in a fight with her on Christmas and I really don't want to do that. 

I appreciate how generous she is with gifts.  I really do.  I would prefer her TIME but that's another story.   Last Friday DH and I had a Christmas party and she and my FIL watched the boys.  They brought ALL of their Christmas gifts for our family to our house.  This made no sense to me because we are going to THEIR house for Christmas.  Why would you bring everything here if we are going there??  She said it would be too much to have the kids open their gifts there with all the rest of the family there.  I said, "don't you want to see them open your gifts?"  Isn't that kind of the point of Christmas gifts? She said we would figure it out.  I figured she just didn't care and I think she just didn't want the stuff in her house anymore. 

It was hard enough lugging all the Santa presents down to the basement and hiding them so I wasn't going to do it with her gifts to lug back up too so I just put it all in the living room.   So of course the kids have been driving me crazy about them and DH let them open one of them on Sunday when we were home and they were bored.  They had actually partially opened it anyway and had seen it.   I had the boys call her and thank her for the present and she flipped the F out about how that was her big gift to them and she wanted to see them open it.

  So now they are coming here Thursday afternoon to open all of the gifts with the kids and I have to deal with all these gifts and 3 little kids until then and make dinner and entertain them on Thursday.  Great, just what I have time to do 2 days before Christmas.  I swear she stays up at night figuring out ways to aggravate me. 

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.  Sigh.

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Re: Can I vent about my MIL for a minute?

  • I had to laugh when I read that because that's INSANE. Who does that?! You're a great DIL for having people over on Thursday. Better than she deserves, that's for sure. I'm thinking a festive pizza party is a good idea. Smile
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  • wow.  what?  you are going to her house for xmas...but she didn't want to open the chistmas gifts on christmas day with your kids, so she brought them all over this past weekend and then got pi$$ed that your kids opened some of them? 

    You are nicer than me.  I wouldn't be hosting them 2 days before christmas... I would tell them to take their gifts back home if they wanted to see the kids open them...

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  • Wow, vent away!  That is one of the most thoughtless, inconsiderate things you can do to a mom at Christmastime.  And you asked her if she wanted to see them open the gifts, then she gets mad because she didn't see them open the gifts?!!?  Wha....???? 

    Let them open everything Wednesday night. HA!

  • imageHaven1:
    I had to laugh when I read that because that's INSANE. Who does that?! You're a great DIL for having people over on Thursday. Better than she deserves, that's for sure. I'm thinking a festive pizza party is a good idea. Smile

    I agree!!!!

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  • that doesn't make any sense. WTF did she think was going to happen?!?!
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  • imageHaven1:
    I had to laugh when I read that because that's INSANE. Who does that?! You're a great DIL for having people over on Thursday. Better than she deserves, that's for sure. I'm thinking a festive pizza party is a good idea. Smile

    This! :)  Good luck girl I would lose my mind!

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  • Ugh, I'm so sorry.  That is completely insane!  My MIL made me buy all the gifts for my kids that are supposed to be from her and honestly, I'll be lucky if she even pays me for them.  So I can commisserate with crazy MIL stories.  Feel free to vent anytime!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Thank you ladies!  DH will never admit anything she does is crazy and I just needed some validation that it's not me.
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  • I have some weird things like that happen with my ILs, and they just make me think I'm crazy for my reactions sometimes! My goal with MIL this Christmas is to take the time to step back and point out how illogical they are being. It's so hard to not get caught up in a family's emotional drama! 
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  • Nope, it's not you. That's whackadoo
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  • That is BSC!  I feel for you having a husband that is crazy diffensive about his mom and doesnt see how weird/crazy she is....that is the most annoying thing about my husband.


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  • You are a better DIL than I.  I might just tell her to go pound sand.  The whole thing is ridiculous.  And I hear you about time vs. the gifts.
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     Sorry, that's pretty damn funny!!!

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  • imageHaven1:
    I had to laugh when I read that because that's INSANE. Who does that?! You're a great DIL for having people over on Thursday. Better than she deserves, that's for sure. I'm thinking a festive pizza party is a good idea. Smile

    My thoughts exactly!  I agree with your assessment...she must be up late at night planning ways to aggravate you...that is the only thing that makes sense!!  Pizza part and lots of wine, for sure!

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