They were born Nov 28th, about 20 seconds apart via c-section. Isabel was 5lbs 10 oz, and 17 in 3.4. Samuel was 4lbs 4 oz, 17 in. He had to spend some time in the NICU to stabilize his sugar, but he came home only 3 days after the rest of us.
Still cant believe I have a son and a daughter! So happy. Yet so tired. Twins are hard!
Here's an outtake from their newborn session. (Sorry its so big, cant resize in Chrome)
Re: Team green twins are here, B/G twins
They are precious and I love their names!!!! We are doing Isabella for baby girls middle name and almost did Samuel for baby boys middle name, but decided to go with Benjamin as we thought it sounded better with Josiah
What gestation were they??
Twins due 4/7
18w5d - A 8oz & B 9oz
22w5d - Both 1lb 1oz 34%
25w6d - A 1lb 11oz 34% B 1lb 15oz 79%
27w6d - Both 2lbs 11oz and 55%
31w6d - A 3lbs 12oz B 3lbs 15oz 30%
*~ My Blog ~*
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
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How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11