Late Term and Child Loss


When I lost my son do to an infection that has began to deteriorate the amniotic sac I wanted answers and the dr couldn't give me any. She simply said that there are many bacteria in the vagina and any of them could have caused it.

I know and infection is rare but was that the reason for any of your ladies?

Were you given any reasoning as to how it got there.

I am fairly willing to give up sex with the dh so it doesn't happen again and I am fairly sure he will be unhappy about my idea to prevent this from ever happening again.  

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Re: Infection

  • My doctor said he thinks I got an infection from my cervix being dilated due to an incompetent cervix. It's sort of a chicken and the egg scenario as far as which one came first. However, I have classic signs of IC, so that's what they will treat me for next time. I know they did pathology on my placenta, and he said it came back fairly normal, but didn't say what bacteria caused the infection. With future pregnancies I will have to give up sex due to having a cerclage, and I also plan on giving up baths.
  • They didn't find anything specific but the Dr. said an infection *could* have traveled up through my cervix. Whatever that means.

    How can they tell for sure that an infection caused it if they don't know what it is? That just doesn't make sense to me.

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  • I too was also told infection since the placenta was inflamed. I was also losing fluid a lot faster with her than with my last son. With him it wasn't until the end but I guess I was losing more with her but they don't know if infection was first or fluid loss. So I don't know what they want to do when I DO get pg again I need to see a mfm.
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