
new to this board..first u/s today and it's twins!!

also posted this on the august 2012 excited to join you all!

The hubs and I are still in shock! Very happy shock! We saw two little beating hearts toady! This is a total surprise, this is my first pregnancy and we conceived naturally. When the doctor did a vaginal u/s she thought she saw 2 little beans and then when she did an abdominal u/s she saw something but couldn't tell for sure on her machine. She sent me over to the hospital to get a clear picture on their more advanced u/s machine and there they were, TWO!

It's still too early to see if they are fraternal or identical.My husbands grandfather was a twin, I don't know how much this has to do with anything...I have a whole new slew of books and information to learn now! My EDD is 8/9/2012.

We are keeping this bombshell of a secret for christmas and telling each of our families separately (first grandkids for my parents, #5+6 for his). Both of our moms know I'm pregnant, but won't they be surprised when we tell them it's twins! I'm basically avoiding everyone until then, it's almost impossible for me not to be thinking/talking about it right now.

I am so excited! Wishing you all the best holiday season!


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