
HELP P is still not STTN and he is one

ANy helpful resources, books, websites ect. We tray and keep him on a schedule during the day, but nothing seems to help.

He gets up at least 2X per night and usually 3. 

He eats dinner and then goes to sleep about 8:30. I have tried to keep him up later, but he is ready to go to sleep then, just not stay asleep. Any help would be appreciated. 


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Re: HELP P is still not STTN and he is one

  • How many oz of milk, formula is he taking during the day?

    Is he eating solids?  How often?

    How much does P weigh? 

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  • Our LO eats dinner at 5ish and before he goes to bed, he gets a 9oz bottle of milk (around 7pm, bed at 8pm). Have you tried the letting him cry it out method?  Sometimes Cam wakes up but usually he's back to sleep in about 5 mins or so...if he cries longer, he usually has an issue (teething, etc).  Is your LO teething?
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  • When DS was younger, we noticed the later he went to sleep, the worse he slept. If he went to bed after 7:00pm, he would be up 3-5 times a night. If we got him to bed by 7:00 he would sleep MUCH better, usually through the night. We also made sure to do the same routine every night. Dinner (solids), bath, jammies/lotion, bottle, bed. It really seemed to work for us. Keeping him up later just made him over tired and crabby.
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  • If he's one year old it's most likely a habit issue.  I would suggest reading Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child.  Be consistent 100% of the time, make a plan, he needs to put himself to sleep. 

    Also, overtired kids have a hard time self-soothing and they have frequent night awakenings, so that probably isn't helping. 

     Both of my kids STTn at 7 wks adj. Let me know if you have any questions.

  • Sorry not sure what advice to give. my DS still isn't sleeping through the night and just turned two. Good luck though.
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  • I also liked healthy sleep habits, healthy child, but really what got my son over the STTN hump was reading the Ferber book. Even I you don't want to do CIO it has ton of good information about sleep patterns and help to identify what the issue is. It's a quick read, and I highly recommend it.
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