Georgia Babies

Harrison's perm teeth damaged from asthma meds :(

I'm so upset right now...forgive me while I ramble a bit.  Harrison has been going to the dentist since he was a baby with his first real appointment at 3 years old.  Up until now he's been just fine.  Well, he's now lost two front teeth and his first set of perm molars are in.  His front teeth appear to be normal as they're coming in, but his perm molars are crumbling and appear to not have normal enamel on them :(  Our dentist is currently consulting with a pediatric specialist (whom we will be going to see personally) to determine their thoughts on next steps.  We have no idea yet how widespread the issue is, how many of his teeth will be affected, etc.  There's no good solution - crowns, extractions....all very real possibilities in his near future. 

He asked me a lot of questions and right now it appears all of the asthma meds he took as a baby - both nebulizer and oral - are the likely culprits. While his teeth were forming, the meds used to enable him to breath were destroying his teeth :(     I'm trying to stay positive and hope for the best, but I can't help worrying about worst case scenarios and all the "what-ifs".  Oh, and I feel sooooo guilty and responsible.   Sometimes being a parent is so freeking hard!!

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Re: Harrison's perm teeth damaged from asthma meds :(

  • My poor sweetie has the most precious smile to me.....ugh!!!
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  • Oh, no!!  Poor Harrison.  Now this has me concerned about Ethan because he was on a lot of breathing medicines, too, when he was a baby.  Please keep us updated on what the doctors say. 
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  • Oh Brandi.  I feel your heartache.  It may take a few days for the shock to wear off, but I know that you will move full force ahead with what is best for H's teeth.  I'm so sorry.
  • Oh gosh Brandi, I am so sorry. :( Poor Harrison, I'm sure this must be frustrating for him too. This is so scary because Jackson has been doing them since he was 6 months old and still is doing them today. Gosh this is scary. Please let us know what they say. 
  • I am so very sorry for your son. That is heartbreaking. My son also takes asthma medication. Do you recall what meds the doctor thought was resposible or why they thought they were causing it? That is very scary.
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  • I am so sorry, poor Harrison.  : (  I hope the specialist can give some reassuring answers.   ((hugs to you and H)
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  • Oh Brandi, I'm so sorry :-(  This concerns me too... I had no idea this was a possible side effect of the asthma meds!  Please keep us posted.






  • :o( I'm so sorry. Poor Harrison.
    Abigail Taylor 09.18.2008

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  • holy crap!  I'm so sorry B!
  • Oh no!!  I'm so very sorry for Harrison and for you; I'd be beating myself up as well and feeling so awful, despite knowing that the choice to do asthma meds was probably a no-brainer at the time.  HC is and has been on meds as well for asthma since she was about 18 months, but I had never been told this was a potential problem down the road.  Will be harassing her asthma doc for answers now!  Hoping you all get some answers and some good ideas for how to go forward from this point; hang in there!
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  • Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Brandi! I can't believe that something that is necessary to help them breathe would have those side effects. Big hugs!
    Derek 6.30.09 & Parker 4.1.11
  • I'm so sorry! I had no idea this could happen. We have Trevor on the inhaler right now for wheezing and Cadence was on treatments many times as a baby, and I had no clue this was a possible side effect.

    My thoughts are with you guys and hoping H's smile stays just as precious as it is now.

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  • I'm so sorry!  Hopefully the damaged teeth will just be those molars and stop there.  I know how you feel about their teeth - Caroline fell at school a few months a go and cracked her front tooth so bad they had to pull it.  I know it was just her baby tooth but I cried like a baby at the dentist when they told me they had to pull it.  We just love our little baby's smiles so much that we don't want anything to happen to them.  I hope they can give you some positive answers at the specialist.
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