
Help! Playdate! repost from toddlers


I am going to my first playdate tomorrow and have no idea what to do.  Do I bring something?  Toys?  Food?  Gifts for the host and her child?  She mentioned lunch when she invited me, but does that mean I'm supposed to bring a lunch and they will eat together, or she will provide lunch?  How does this work?! 

 Please give me all the info you can!!!  eek!

Re: Help! Playdate! repost from toddlers

  • I would just show up.  I would not normally take a gift or anything.  If she does offer you lunch, I would just consider this time her treat and invite her to your place for a playdate and lunch next time.
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  • I usually e-mail to see what the plan is first.  I just had a playdate at my house the other day and I made PB&J and she brought apple cider to drink.  Maybe give her a call and ask if you can bring something?  Have fun!!
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  • Is it just you and her kids?  I'm a member of my local MOMS Club, and we have a weekly playgroup.  Unless I'm hosting, I don't bring anything extra.  I always make sure I bring DD's sippy cup, but other than that, I don't bring food, drink, toys, or anything, unless it's requested.
  • I usually bring a snack to share.  However, if you are unclear on whether lunch is happening or not, give her a call beforehand.  You don't want to be stuck with a hungry toddler when she assumed you were bringing your own....
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