Hi, This is my first pregnancy and I am due Feb 2nd. I was 2.5 cm dilated a week ago today at my OB appointment. I have Gestational Diabetes and Polyhydramnios (excess fluid around the baby) that is putting extra pressure on my cervix causing it to open. My husband is freaking out, he wants me to keep the baby inside as long as possible due to all the 'risks'. What are the risks? I hear of Preemies all the time and was one myself, should I be worried? How long does a premature baby have to stay in the hospital? Is there serious risks that I should know about. I am sitting/laying down a lot as my OB ordered and have pills to keep my cervix closed. However if the baby decides to come today what are we looking at facing?
Re: 33 wks and told baby is coming sooner then later.
Have you asked to speak to a neonatologist at the hospital where you will deliver? Honestly, it is hard to say exactly what will happen but generally, babies born at around 33 week do well. My boys were born at 33 weeks and spent 2 weeks in the NICU. It was scary but we made it through.
Good luck to you.
Thanks Ladies. It's great to hear about all your healthy babies and makes me feel better. When I spoke to my OB about my concerns she said they were all worries that she would deal with and all I had to do was follow her directions and not to worry! I think its because stress can make my Polyhydramnios worse and we know that that can cause many complications when my water breaks and or during labor that terrify me. I will show my husband your responses and hopefully ease his nerves as well! Could someone tell me what DS, LO and DH stand for? I see them on these posts all the time and guess they are for baby, fetus and husband but don't know the actual terms. Thank You again for sharing your experiences! All the best to you all!
DS = darling son
LO = little one
DH = darling husband
There is also a glossary will all the acronyms used here. It can be found on the left side of your screen, if you scroll down under my boards. HTH!