Northern California Babies

All About You


Favorite TV Show:


Favorite food:

Favorite drink:

Most annoying habit or trait?

Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be? 

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Re: All About You

  • Age: 28

    Favorite TV Show: Current show: American Horror Story. Past show: Friends

    Hobby: Reading, shopping, sleeping (I miss this one so much!)

    Favorite food: Sake sashimi

    Favorite drink: Beer or coffee

    Most annoying habit or trait? Being indecisive

    Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second, where would you be? On a beach, chilaxing with drink in hand.

    DD1: May 2011
    DD2: February 2014

  • Age:  29

    Favorite TV Show: Sons of Anarchy

    Hobby: i dont know if i really have a hobby, does the internet count? seems like thats the only thing i do consistantly

    Favorite food: anything mexican

    Favorite drink: Tea

    Most annoying habit or trait? i dont have any Stick out tongue

    Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be?  in a mall, with a credit card that is limitless and i have no responsiblity to pay for it

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  • Age:30

    Favorite TV Show: Modern Family

    Hobby: running, yoga, photography

    Favorite food: french toast

    Favorite drink: coffee and Pliny the Elder (no, not together)

    Most annoying habit or trait? I was just thinking about this this morning. I bite my nails while I drive and I leave the 'clippings' in the door (with the other trash) but there are always nail clippings in the side door. gross, i know

    Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be? snuggling in bed with Ellie (except she no longer snuggles in bed, she climbs all over us)

    **** TW - kids and loss mentioned ****
    ~~ married 8.11.07
    ~~ DD1 1.16.11 ~~ DD2 1.3.14 ~~
    ~~ BFP3 12.22.15 MMC 2.29.16 @ 13 weeks ~~
    ~~ 2 D&Cs (3.1.16 and 3.10.16) for MMC
    ~~ BFP4 10.27.16  MMC 1.23.17 @ 16 weeks ~~ D&E 1.26.17 ~~
  • Age: 34

    Favorite TV Show: Top Chef

    Hobby: Reading

    Favorite Food: Sushi

    Favorite drink: Red wine

    Most annoying habit or trait: procrastination-it causes me so much more stress than just getting it done

    Bonus: Sunbathing on a hot beach with cool breeze and no one around to see my fatasss in a bathing suit :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Age: 33

    Favorite TV Show: Dexter - although I'm sort of disappointed with how season 6 was. But last night's episode was good.

    Hobby: Running, snowboarding, scrapbooking, hiking (most of these are on hold for now)

    Favorite food: Shrimp burritos

    Favorite drink: was diet coke.

    Most annoying habit or trait? probably right now is forgetting stuff, but I blame that on pregnancy brain.

    Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be?  At home sleeping Big Smile

    Me (33)& DX: DOR, FSH-20.3; DH(28):SA=normal 8/11 HSG= clear!
    IUI #1 10/12/11 (Bravelle + HCG + Prometrium & acupuncture) = 10/26 BFP! Beta #1=250, Beta #2= 615. 1st u/s 11/8. image Visit The Nest! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Age: 33

    Favorite TV Show:  How I Met Your Mother

    Hobby:  reading, baking

    Favorite food:  Ahi Tuna

    Favorite drink:  Dr. Pepper

    Most annoying habit or trait?  Dh would probably say that it's my propensity to leave trash in the kitchen sink when we have a trash can about 2 feet away.

    Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be? At home in bed!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Age: 42 

    Favorite TV Show: Modern Fam, Parenthood, Battlestar Galactica, Merlin, (and I still miss Friday night lights!)

    Hobby: Hiking, yoga, reading, going to music shows. 

    Favorite food: TCHO organic dark chocolate. Mouth orgasm. 

    Favorite drink: Soy hot cocoa (just being honest here)

    Most annoying habit or trait? Lip biting (to me), getting angry when DH doesn't do what I would have done (to him). 

    Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be? Gosh I don't know. Right here is pretty good on this beautiful day. Snorkeling in Maui wouldn't suck either though :)

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  • Age: 32Favorite TV Show: Hawaii 50Hobby: hanging out, shopping, walkingFavorite food: sushiFavorite drink: wineMost annoying habit or trait? I am a worry wartBonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be?  Hawaii
  • Age: 37

    Favorite TV Show: The Vampire Diaries

    Hobby: Reading

    Favorite food: ?

    Favorite drink: Coffee

    Most annoying habit or trait? If you ask DH it would be that I read too much.

    Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be?  Disneyland w/ my BFF who is there now. 

    107 Read/listened to in 2011: 91 Books/16 Audiobooks
    Read 2012: 33/50
  • Age: 28

    Favorite TV Show: One Tree Hill

    Hobby: Crafting

    Favorite food: Chicken and Dumplings and Candied Yams

    Favorite drink: Diet Coke

    Most annoying habit or trait? Leave clothes on the floor

    Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be? Disneyworld

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  • Age: 33

    Favorite TV Show: Grey's Anatomy

    Hobby: Reading and Cooking

    Favorite food: Chinese food

    Favorite drink: Diet Coke

    Most annoying habit or trait? I always interrupt/cut off people when they are talking

    Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be?  At the coffee shop, alone, reading, and having a nice coffee.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker Previously posted as "denisethebride"
  • Age: 29

    Favorite TV Show:  Modern Family & Psych

    Hobby:  Photography & reading

    Favorite food:  Mexican food

    Favorite drink:  Pinot Gris or GOOD beer

    Most annoying habit or trait?  I'm super shy & I insist on being early to everything - It drives DH bonkers.

    Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be?  Sweden.  One of my best friends just had her baby and I want to see her!!

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  • Age: 33

    Favorite TV Show:  Big Bang Theory and New Girl

    Hobby:  Baking Cakes

    Favorite food:  Dessert

    Favorite drink:  Water, no really.

    Most annoying habit or trait?  I nervously talk too much & blurt out dumb stuff.  Or maybe it's that I just don't have the confidence and that I just think that's how I come off?  Or maybe it's that I'm indecisive?

    Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be?  With my family on the beach at that new Disney Hawaii resort.

  • Age: 34-today :)

    Favorite TV Show: don't have TV anymore, but when we did it was Parenthood and Brothers &Sisters

    Hobby: hiking &camping - don't get to go much anymore though...

    Favorite food: sushi :-)

    Favorite drink: wine

    Most annoying habit or trait? probably that I leave little things everywhere, like a sweater or a burp rag. It drives DH bonkers

    Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be? Where I'm at right now is pretty good!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Photobucket
  • Age: 29Favorite TV Show: Game of Thrones, TrueBlood, Boardwalk EmpireHobby: shooting, running, video gamesFavorite food: no favorites, just preferencesFavorite drink: good beer or iced teaMost annoying habit or trait? Everyone tells me it is my lack of asking for help or taking on too muchBonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be? The Cairo Museum.  I have always wanted to go, dying to do it.
    Happy Takes Work A family blog.
    Money Matters The other half's blog.
    EJ is growing up too fast!
    imageLilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • imageSmuches4u:
    Most annoying habit or trait?  I nervously talk too much & blurt out dumb stuff.  Or maybe it's that I just don't have the confidence and that I just think that's how I come off?  Or maybe it's that I'm indecisive?

    That made me lol.

  • Age: 28Favorite TV Show: have to manyHobby: reading, Selling ScentsyFavorite food: Buffalo wingsFavorite drink: Coquito or bahama mamaMost annoying habit or trait? manyBonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be?  Warm tropical Island with my Dh
  • Age: 29

    Favorite TV Show: Modern Fmaily, New Girl

    Hobby: dance...I still consider it my hobby, even thought it's technically my career too.

    Favorite food: Lasagna

    Favorite drink: alcoholic-sex on the beach, non-alcoholic-straight up coke

    Most annoying habit or trait? I leave my dishes in the sink.

    Bonus: If you?could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be??On some tropical island
    Dancing Through Life
    BabyFruit Ticker
    BabyFetus Ticker
    Married August 22, 2009-TTC #1 since 1/11
    Dx PCOS and Hypothyroidism in 2004, SA 5/11-Excellent!
    Cycle #1-6-Anovulatory:(
    Cycle #7-metformin+clomid+acupuncture-BFP!!!
    Beta#1(16dpo)-101, Beta#2(18dpo)-240, Beta#3(22dpo)-1,255
    EDD 10-28-12
  • Age:  33

    Favorite TV Show:  Modern Family, House...plenty of others

    Hobby:  sewing, reading

    Favorite food:  fish tacos

    Favorite drink:  iced tea

    Most annoying habit or trait?  I bite my cuticles

    Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be?  With our families in CA for the holidays

  • Age: 32Favorite TV Show:  HIMYM - I'm totally addicted to that showHobby:  reading teaching blogsFavorite food:  cheeseFavorite drink:  wineMost annoying habit or trait?  not putting things away (according to my DH)Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be? At home with both my kids - meaning little Emma wouldn't be still in the hospital for her jaundice - and as long as we are dreaming my incision would be feeling great too.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Age: 28

    Favorite TV Show: Dexter, Top Chef

    Hobby: Cooking, baking, reading

    Favorite food: Enchiladas

    Favorite drink: Diet Pepsi or a Margarita

    Most annoying habit or trait? Cracking my knuckles

    Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be? Maui. Snorkeling or reading on the beach.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Age: 31

    Favorite TV Show: Boardwalk Empire

    Hobby: refinishing furniture

    Favorite food: lobster

    Favorite drink: black tea with honey

    Most annoying habit or trait? being oversensitive

    Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be? Hawaii, sleeping on the sand with my hubby and kid playing nearby.

  • Age: 37

    Favorite TV Show: Modern Family, Parenthood, The Good Wife

    Hobby: Reading, and - when I get up the gumption - sewing and embroidery

    Favorite food: can I say all food? Seriously, I pretty much love to eat.

    Favorite drink: red wine

    Most annoying habit or trait? I am super shy, I'm fidgety, and I worry about anything... I worry if I don't have anything to worry about!

    Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be? I am pretty content where I am right now (at home, in my PJs, sitting next to my kiddo who is coloring away) BUT I would love to be relaxing with my family on warm sandy beach somewhere tropical.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Age: 34

    Favorite TV Show: CSI (all of them)

    Hobby: drinking

    Favorite food: Mexican

    Favorite drink: iced tea, beer

    Most annoying habit or trait? I cuss too much

    Bonus: If you could be anywhere, right this second , where would you be? 

    With my Mom, missing her and having tough day with sick boys.

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