
Home study questions

So, DH & I submitted our home study application and the check for the first half of the home study fee about a week ago. They've cashed the check, so I know they have received it. I am sure every agency is different, but how long did you all have to wait before they contacted you to set up an interview? I know with the holidays coming up that things are kind of crazy with people taking vacation, so I'm expecting not to get a call until after the new year. Anybody know whether they look through the packet for a while before contacting us?

Re: Home study questions

  • It really varies.

    Don't be afraid to call them.

  • When I did mine, they were very anxious to get my appt set up, They contacted me as soon as they got my paperwork in, they picked up the check when they came to my house.  It was within a week or so.
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  • We were told by the agency to contact the SW and set up the appointment.  It was all done by email.  We were asked to send a copy of our application & family record report, so I did that (including our marketing flier) ahead of time.  The SW had reviewed it beforehand, so our interviews were basically verifying some of what we included plus a few other basic questions.

    So . . . I say call them.  They have your money, so you should be able to schedule.  Yea!!! 

    Todd & Kristin, 3.10.07

    After 5.5 years of loss, heartbreak, and empty arms, our dreams were fulfilled through the beautiful, selfless gift of adoption. We are amazingly blessed!

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  • I asked this very board how long to wait, and after getting several responses, ended up calling the agency after about a week from the date they cashed the check. They put me in touch with our SW, who happened to be at a different address than the main office, and we scheduled our first interview for within the next week. We actually moved fairly quickly and did all four interviews within about 5-6 weeks. We just had our home visit on Friday, which is the last step for us. The SW now just has to write the home study and file it, with our background investigation, by January 20th.

    Don't be afraid to call them, this is your life you are trying to move on with. That being said, there is a line between looking out for yourself and being a total pain by calling every day. Smile

    Cervical Cancer Survivor since 2007 TTC Since 2008 IUI#1 = BFN IUI#2 = BFN IUI#3 = BFN IUI#4 = BFN IVF #1 = BFN FET #1 = BFN FET #2 = BFN FET #3 = BFN IVF #2 = BFN IVF #3 = BFN FET #4 = BFN FET #5 = BFP!!! 06/10/2011 Miscarriage 06/21/2011 Adoption Application Submitted 09/2011, Personal Documents Submitted 11/18/2011, Home Visit 12/16/2011, Officially Waiting!!! 01/21/2013 MATCHED!!!! 01/24/2013 Baby Boy Born! Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Thanks, ladies. I called and left a voicemail a few minutes ago. Hopefully I will hear back shortly!
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