February 2011 Moms

When do you plan to transition LO to WM?

My pedi is awful about covering DD's dietary needs and at her 9 month checkup we didn't even touch on WM. I've heard from other mothers that their LO's pedi recommended transitioning to WM any time between 10-12 months. DD won't have her 12 month checkup until 2 weeks after her birthday. Should I start this process before her appt, or wait to get the go-ahead from her doctor? When do you plan to transition your LO?

Re: When do you plan to transition LO to WM?

  • 12 months per pedi.
    I married a ginger.
    m/c 12/25/09 (5w5d) mm/c D&C 4/9/10 (11w1d) Take home baby 2/22/11
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  • 12 months.

    With my son we ended up starting the switch at about 10.5 months, but that was because he was refusing to drink formula anymore (we would fight with him and he would get about 2oz tops at each bottle, if even that). We did discuss switching early with our pedi before we did though.

    We are going to try and keep dd on it up to 12 months if she will take it (she still doesn't mind it so I don't think that will be a problem)

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  • 12 months
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  • 12 months per pedi. She didn't bring it up, I asked.
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  • I did it cold turkey on her first birthday for my daughter.  Some transition...but my dr. just said to do it.  Sometimes they don't drink it for a week or two but you just keep offering it.

    Some do start transitioning at the end...but you really don't want to supplement their formula/breastmilk with it until 12 months.  Most I have ever heard is around 11 months but I wouldnt even do it.  

    That's me though.  1 yr old. 

    DD (8/12/09), DD (2/8/11)
    BFP 12/16/14| EDD 8/19/15 |MMC 1/15/15 (9 weeks 1 day)
  • 12 months...going to talk to the pedi about it at her 1 year check up. I have read in several articles that they really need the full year to develop their digestive systems for WCM.
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