Northern California Babies

Emma Lynn is here

A slightly surprising birth but here we are.  I had a horrible ear infection this week so I had a follow up appointment with my ENT doctor in the morning on Friday, December 16th at noon-ish and then my regular OB appointment at 2.  Between appointments I did some walking and climbed the stairs of the hospital building in hopes of some progress.  I tried to get down to my OB earlier so my blood pressure wouldn't be super high but they called me almost 20 minutes early.  I was only 2 cm dilated which is less than what I was at not quite 39 weeks with M so I was disappointed.  They rechecked my BP and it was still high after my appointment so they sent me down to labor and delivery to be monitored.  

While downstairs they did more blood work.  My BP became relatively normal but my platelets were lower (they had been slightly below normal even when I had my GD test at 28 weeks) and elevated liver enzymes.  Enough so I was officially diagnosed with pre-eclampsia.  I got there right at shift change and one of the three doctors was willing to try to induce even though I was trying for a VBAC.  Although after more conversation we decided to go with the repeat c-section because of my blood levels.  I have to say the c-section was horrible and I was in tons of pain from all the pressure.  The OB that delivered felt it was a good choice based on how very thin my uterus was and the cord was also wrapped around her neck.  She was born on my grandfather's birthday, December 16th at 10:42 pm weight 7 lbs 9.2 oz and 19.5 inches long.  

My recovery has been slightly more difficult in some ways because I had to be on a magnesium IV due to the pre-eclampsia and chance of seizure.  Emma is doing great.  I actually have at least some colostrum so breastfeeding is going nicely so far.



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