Mine are 2. I am trying to get us to the point that I can take them out for at least an hour by myself but it's a slow go. So I was just wondering if I'm at least getting closer. I always take snacks and entertainment with me and vary the entertainment as often as I can. I see all these singleton mom's out doing their holiday shopping (or grocery shopping or just errands in general) and I don't think they know how easy they have it!
Re: When does it get easier to take them out by yourself?
Have you never taken them out solo?? Or is it just harder now that they're 2? I've been taking my guys (all 3) out solo since they were a few weeks old, so if you've never taken them out I would say you've just gotta jump in and do it and it will get easier every time! If its that they're harder to handle out now that they're 2 I will suggest having lots of snacks and toys on hand as a distraction. Lots. My older son gets a Hot Wheel every time we go out if he's good, so he knows that he has that to look forward to if he behaves and lets Mama shop. Maybe you could try an equally cheap bribe?
And as a prior singleton mom, I will say that looking back I didnt realize how easy I had it, but at the time it didnt seem easy becuase I didnt have this (toddler + twins) to compare to.
Good Luck!
What kind of issues do you have? I do tons of running around with my 2 - (2y3m), and older sister in tow (4y). I'II admit that I have generally well-behaved kids, but I think this is something you just have to do over and over. And over again, to get them used to listening (with all the temptation around!) and riding/being patient. I took all four kids to Target for the first time when the twins were about a week old, N was 21 mos, and B was 3.5y.....and we've been go go go ever since. I don't say this to gloat or whatever...but my husband works nearly non-stop, so it's not really an option...I HAD to take them to get groceries, pick up materials for H's jobs, to dr. appts, etc. Not going places is simply not an option for us.
I usually always have their stroller or use a cart, unless it is a quick in/out at a smaller store/office. I always have a snack/drink cup with us.
Like if we go to Target, I always get popcorn for them to munch on...so that will buy me a good 20-30 min, then I usually hit the toys section about 1/2 way, and let them out for a couple aisles. Then they are good to sit for another 20-30 min.
I'm a SAHM, so we try to go at less-busy times (grocery at 9a on Mondays, mall at opening on Tues/Wed/Thurs). Then I remind myself often that they are kids - they will be loud, I'll have to tell them 389 times to sit or not touch something, we may have to abort mission on occasion (but that happens very rarely).
And I wouldn't assume that singleton mom necessarily had it easier..it may have taken a lot of failures to get where she is with her child as well. All moms have their own struggles, regardless of the ages/number of kids.
It is really difficult at this age:( I take mine out almost everyday, either to somewhere fun like the library or children's museum, or to run errands. It.is.hard. The only thing pushing me to do it is knowing how much more difficult they are if they've been home all day.
I think you are on the right track with bringing snacks and entertainment, but also plan times of the day when you know that they will do better. For us that is mid-morning.
Some days it is a complete failure and I end up with a double toddler meltdown in a store and we leave. Those days suck, a lot.
i took my twins (and toddler son) out all the time by myself... i never found it hard- until recently with the twins being 2.5 they are HELL at stores, etc.... so i don't take them shopping much anymore.... when we go "out" it's specifically for an activity for them- the park, play area t the mall, "fun place" type play place, etc.... i don't expect them to sit in a stroller long, or be quiet... so no more shopping for a while.
my older son was the same at this age - NOT easy to shop with, etc...
so sorry- it's not going to get easier until closer to 3yo likely... it WAS easy the first year+.... but once they turned 2 and a couple months all hell broke loose.
I will be in this situation soon and just wanted to say that I found your response incredibly encouraging.