Austin Babies


I remember you recently washed all of your stored clothes for DS in preparation for the new baby and you had some issues w/ yellow stains.

I just took out all of DD's stuff from the attic and discovered a similar issue.

I also remember that oxyclean supposedly worked really well on your clothes/etc, but how did you use it?

I found that just about every.single. thing of DD's has those yellow stains somewhere.  It would take me forever to stain treat each item so I'm hoping you had some luck just adding oxyclean to your cycle?  Or did you have to stain treat everything individually w/ oxyclean before you washed?

Thanks for any advice - as of this afternoon I am officially overwhelmed w/ all of this washing! 

Re: **froggi**

  • I ended up soaking everything in Oxiclean for several hours, then running it through the wash.  I dried everything outside in the sun and it all seemed to come out.  Someone told me, though, that it was merely a quick fix and within a few months the stains would reappear.  They were right--as I was hanging some things up this past week I noticed a few of the stains had indeed come back.  So I'd only do the stuff you know you're going to need soon and save the rest for later.  I attempted to clean all the stuff for the first year and now I'm going to have to go back and redo some of the older stuff.  Here's hoping more won't reappear before Butterbean actually gets to use it!
  • Thank you!  I think I'll run it all through the wash w/ a scoop or 2 of oxyclean for now and hope for the best.  I was planning on doing up to 6 months - so I'll probably stop after that.  And if things come back up like they probably will, I'll probably just spot treat those things since Lord knows I'll be washing all the NB and 0-3 month stuff a LOT those first few months.
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