I have a question for you all

Have any of you had a successful VBAC after having to have a csection because the baby's head was too large? I labored for 21 hours and then pushed for one hour and DDs head just wouldn't come down. The doctor felt it was best to do a csection and when he pulled her out the very tip of her head was so swollen because she just wasn't able to move any further. I had my annual exam with my ob/gyn the other day and just wanted to make sure he was supportive of VBACs because I would like to try for another baby in the next few months. He said he didn't feel that I was the best candidate for a VBAC but he would be more than willing to let me try if that was what I wanted to do the next time around. I just wanted to know if anybody had a similar experience and was able to deliver vaginally after having a csection due to a baby with a large head. Sorry if this happens to look weird--I'm bumping from my phone.
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Re: I have a question for you all

  • My cs was because he was compressing his cord and we couldn't get him off of it, but he was over 10 lbs and his head was over the 100th %ile, so it is possible it would have become an issue.  DD (my VBAC) was two lbs smaller- still with a pretty big head- but no issues with the VBAC.  I'd say it doesn't hurt to try!
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  • How big was your baby's head?  Did they say that b/c there was molding?  That can happen when the baby isn't positioned right and isn't necessarily related to the size of the head.  My friend who is tiny just had her DS this year and he literally had the biggest head in the hospital's history!  :)  I would probably look for a second opinion b/c this doc has given his opinion and it is that he doesn't think VBAC is an option for you, even if it is.
    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • imagechicsub:
    How big was your baby's head?  Did they say that b/c there was molding?  That can happen when the baby isn't positioned right and isn't necessarily related to the size of the head.  My friend who is tiny just had her DS this year and he literally had the biggest head in the hospital's history!  :)  I would probably look for a second opinion b/c this doc has given his opinion and it is that he doesn't think VBAC is an option for you, even if it is.

    Her head was 13 3/4 inches. I just remember him saying during my section that there was no way she would have come out any other way. At one point in time during labor she moved back up so far that when the doctor came in to check me that he couldn't feel her head anymore. He did however say at my appointment that while I'm not the most favorable candidate for a VBAC, he would be happy to let me try if that's what I would like to do the next time around. He was actually pretty supportive of it and said that he actually had recently had someone with the same situation as mine and she had no problems with her VBAC (which was encouraging).

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  • imageAshleaB12:

    Her head was 13 3/4 inches. I just remember him saying during my section that there was no way she would have come out any other way. At one point in time during labor she moved back up so far that when the doctor came in to check me that he couldn't feel her head anymore. He did however say at my appointment that while I'm not the most favorable candidate for a VBAC, he would be happy to let me try if that's what I would like to do the next time around. He was actually pretty supportive of it and said that he actually had recently had someone with the same situation as mine and she had no problems with her VBAC (which was encouraging).

    Hmmm, according to the baby center calculator, that's about the 50% for newborns, so it's not huge by any means. https://www.babycenter.com/baby-child-growth-percentile-calculator

    I know I was told by an OB right after I had my first son via c-section that I shouldn't attempt VBAC. But the MWs who worked at the same hospital all told me it wouldn't be a problem, and the MW I ended up having for my second pregnancy supported my choice also. I think providers talking about whether someone is a good VBAC candidate has a lot more to do with their own personal view on VBAC, rather than a simple x, y, or z of why the first c-section was done.

    </rant> I would ask him specifics about his VBAC policy (can you go past 40 weeks? Will you have to stay in bed? Have an epidural no matter what? Etc.), and think about getting a few other opinions from different OB/MWs, too. Good luck!

    ETA: My c-section son had a huge bruise on the top of his head from me pushing, and I know a lot of other kids who had the same thing. I don't think it's indicative of not fitting or anything.

    DS1 - Feb 2008

    DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)

  • imagenosoup4u:

    Her head was 13 3/4 inches. I just remember him saying during my section that there was no way she would have come out any other way. At one point in time during labor she moved back up so far that when the doctor came in to check me that he couldn't feel her head anymore. He did however say at my appointment that while I'm not the most favorable candidate for a VBAC, he would be happy to let me try if that's what I would like to do the next time around. He was actually pretty supportive of it and said that he actually had recently had someone with the same situation as mine and she had no problems with her VBAC (which was encouraging).

    Hmmm, according to the baby center calculator, that's about the 50% for newborns, so it's not huge by any means. https://www.babycenter.com/baby-child-growth-percentile-calculator

    I know I was told by an OB right after I had my first son via c-section that I shouldn't attempt VBAC. But the MWs who worked at the same hospital all told me it wouldn't be a problem, and the MW I ended up having for my second pregnancy supported my choice also. I think providers talking about whether someone is a good VBAC candidate has a lot more to do with their own personal view on VBAC, rather than a simple x, y, or z of why the first c-section was done.

    </rant> I would ask him specifics about his VBAC policy (can you go past 40 weeks? Will you have to stay in bed? Have an epidural no matter what? Etc.), and think about getting a few other opinions from different OB/MWs, too. Good luck!

    ETA: My c-section son had a huge bruise on the top of his head from me pushing, and I know a lot of other kids who had the same thing. I don't think it's indicative of not fitting or anything.

    I agree that 13.75 is not a huge head.  Both of mine had heads over 14 and no one said they were unbirthable.  Unless there is a medical reason that you haven't mentioned, I don't see why you wouldn't be a good candidate.

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  • First off, if your baby did have a large head, I see no reason why you wouldn't be a candidate for a VBAC- in fact, I think you'd be an excellent candidate, as your next baby wouldn't really be likely to have the same issue.

    However, I agree with the others that your baby didn't have a large head. I think there were probably other factors that caused your c-section. Positioning is everything- your baby could have been in a poor position that caused him to be unable to descend properly. OP presentation, or brow presentation, or anything else makes it more difficult, but would not preclude you from having a natural birth next time around.

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  • imageannabelle.27:

    Positioning is everything- your baby could have been in a poor position that caused him to be unable to descend properly. OP presentation, or brow presentation, or anything else makes it more difficult, but would not preclude you from having a natural birth next time around.

    Agree.  It can't hurt to try again.  Maybe your first LO stretched the path a bit too.

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