I posted this on the multiples board, but sometimes it's a little slow.....
Where was the most comfortable place to tandem breastfeed? We got a really nice glider before DS was born and that's where I did 90% of our BFing but I'm a little concerned that it's not going to be wide enough for two babies and I certainly plan on tandem feeding ASAP. It's a fully upholstered chair, not the wood + fabric gliders, so it's a little wider than normal, but still.....
I'm just wondering if I should put something other than a glider in their nursery. It's a fairly big room, so we've got options as far as space goes.
Also, would your answer change over time? I BF DS for 21 months and I know at first I needed a lot of support/pillows, etc and as he got older and we got more comfortable with each other, I could pretty much do it anywhere.
Re: XP:twin mamas who are/did BF--Q for you
I will be honest with you. I desperately wanted to tandem feed the boys from the beginning, and I just could not physically make it work. And because of that (and their incredible appetites), I ended up having to supplement them. I know Kim777 was able to tandem feed both of hers for a very long time. And I think the major difference may have been that I had, pardon me, freakishly massive breasts. I could not make it work because breastfeeding in those early days was a two-handed job. I just couldn't feed both of them at once without running the risk of either having one or the other roll off my boppy or be smothered.
Fortunately, that changed once they got a little bigger. Once they could support their own heads a little, I could tandem feed. Thank goodness! Because on some days, the time they were both on the breast was the only silence I had all day. In that situation, the easiest for me was to sit in our recliner with a small couch pillow tucked down on either side of my hips and the boppy. The arms of the chair and the couch pillows helped me prop them up in tandem football holds. This worked right up until they started getting way too long for the football hold, so probably 2ish-9 months old. At 9.5 months, Luke self-weaned (I think out of frustration from me constantly having to interrupt his feedings to deal with Joseph) so at that point I only had to BF Joseph. And just FYI, I weaned Joseph around 11 months because it was just too hard to handle one boy who would sit on the breast all day if given the chance while also trying to take care of another mobile baby.
I'm sure everyone has a different experience, but that's how it worked for me. I'd guess that your glider would probably do the trick as good as anything else.