Austin Babies

u/s update

we saw a sac! and a yolk sac! it was very exciting. my dr wants me to come back in a week to see if she can hear the heartbeat. she said so far everything looks really good. I'm measuring 4w3d, according to my LMP I'm 5 weeks, but according to FF and when I O'd I'm 4w5d. Hopefully at some point we'll figure out what the actual EDD is, but for now I'm just happy to be pregnant.
Pregnancy Ticker CP 4w1d March '11
Clomid 50mg June '11 - BFN
Clomid 100 mg Oct '11 - BFN
Clomid 150 mg Nov '11 - BFP @9dpo! Beta#1 @10dpo: 22; Beta#2 @12dpo: 67 Beta#3 @18dpo: 1069! EDD 8-16-12
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Re: u/s update

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