I am brand new to CDing and have a few different types of diapers that I picked up when they went on sale while I was pregnant. I just started using them with DD this week. This is what my Grovia soaker pads for my hybrid shells looked like when they came out of the wash. I have them sitting on the window sill right now to see if that will help at all. Any advice?
I did a cold rinse and then a hot wash with cold rinse adding the soap (Tiny Bubbles sample I got with the Grovia diapers). I also have Rock N Green soap that I purchased but haven't used yet. I dried in the drier on low.
ETA: I EBF and these went straight into a wet bag and were washed 2 days later.
Re: Serious stains
Good to know! Thanks.
Part of it is just the Grovia soaker pads. I use those and a mix of Fuzzibunz and Kawaii pockets and the Grovias are the only ones that ever look like that. Put them in direct sunlight (actually outdoors, then wash again) and the stains really do go away.