My doctor said that I should plan on having a c/s and if things work out that I can go VB that's great.
So I had a few questions about c/s. Do most hospitals allow only DH in the OR, or could I also have my mom there?
How long after you got in your room with the babies did you have visitors? I'm trying to make up a list of 'rules' for visitors for DH.
Did anything happen with visitors in your room that you wish you had said 'no' to prior to your c/s? For example, visitors holding the babies before you get to hold them.
Re: Ques for MoMs who had c/s
My hospital had a pretty strict "one person" policy in the OR for my c/s.
My babies went to the NICU, but I had visitors in recovery. Which is weird because when I look back at those visitors, it's a blur. So I don't recommend having visitors until you're back in your room. And even then, I was pretty out of it all day (my c/s was at 6:30 in the morning.)
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I'm not sure about the number of visitors since I only wanted my husband in the room with me. Since I had my babies at 2:35/2:36 am, I didn't have visitors until the afternoon. Do what is best for you. You can tell people don't come to the hospital until after you call them. This way you have a chance to bond with the baby and relax and don't get visitors to soon.
Don't forget, in hospitals there is always a delay. So even if you are scheduled for a morning c/s you can get pushed back if an emergency comes in. That's what happened to me.
I went to the hospital around 8:30 pm. I was swelling and my legs were getting hard. My OB wanted to check me out and decided to deliver me around midnight. Around 11:30, the nurse came in and said I was being pushed back to 2:30 since an emergency c/s was being pushed ahead of me. So by the time I was delivered I didn't get into my room until 5:30 am. Then the babies were brought in around 7. Then they were taken out around 7:30 so the pedi. could check them out. Then they were brought back into my room. I hope my timeline helps you a little bit. I'm sure everyones story is a little different.
Only allowed DH but thats all I wanted in there anyway.
I had a butt load of visitors and hated it. They all wanted to hold the babies after I was in recovery for over an hour without DH or babies and Zoe was in the nursery till her surgars came back up so it felt like foever till I got to "meet" her.
I just found out a couple of my friends were upset they didnt get to hold either of the babies, OH WELL!
My hospital also only allowed DH in the OR. And I didn't want anyone else there.
Like PP, one of our LOs was in the nursery for a long time until her sugar levels stabilized (they were born at 10:15 am, they didn't bring DD back until almost 5 pm). We called our parents and told them to come visit that evening, once we'd had a little time together just as our own family. I think that worked out well - I didn't want visitors before then.
For the next few days in the hospital we asked visitors to come at strategic times when DH needed to run errands or grab some food.
They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks.
My hospital (same as Pam's) only allowed one person in the OR. After the babies were checked out by neonatology and it was determined they'd be going to the well baby nursery, and that things were going well with me, DH went to the nursery with the babies, where they got weighed, etc.
While all that was going on with the babies, I was brought to recovery, where my mom waited with me until DH got there with the babies. We met with an LC and tried to nurse but we were all too out of it to get that going. We had the babies with us in recovery for an hour or so before they took them to the nursery for baths and that's when I got put in my regular postpartum room. The only visitors we had that day were my mom and DH's parents, and none of them got to hold the babies until we were in the postpartum room. I would have raised holy hell had anyone but DH held the babies before I did.
i had a similar experience, except my visitor was the neonatalogist and I was high as a kite!