I guess I shouldn't have googled subchorionic hematoma.
I just feel sick to my stomach and I'm sooo worried about this baby. I know the Dr was happy w/ everything but it doesn't settle me. The low heart beat of 111 scares the shit out of me (the baby I m/c had a very slow heartbeat) so it just brings back very sad feelings. And then seeing that the subchorionic thingy could put you at a risk for m/c...I'm just a mess!
Why did that have to happen? Why couldn't the heartbeat have been higher? Why is there a clot? How the hell am I supposed to wait 2 weeks?
I feel like shit.
Re: In tears
I'm not sure what's going on, but whatever it is I'm really sorry you're so upset. Try somehow to stay calm for now for your own sake and for the sake of the baby. Maybe everything will be fine.
Ugh, I wish I knew what to say. (((hugs)))
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Step away from google. ?And trust your body can do this. ?(((hugs)))?
H.U.G.S! H.U.G.S!!!H.U.G.S! H.U.G.S!!!H.U.G.S! H.U.G.S!!!
I know how hard it is to wait and *see* and all I have to offer is hugs, hope it helps!
Mum to Owen and Lucas
Get. Off. Google.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
I am so sorry that things are so uncertain for you right now. {{{Hugs}}}
I have heard of other women with clots like you are talking about and they have had full term pgs... I hope that is the case for you!
Try to stay positive! The wait will be tough- do something nice for yourself
Hang on to your hope. It is normal to worry, but try to keep busy with other things. And no more Googling! Call the nurse tomorrow and ask them for reassurance if it makes you feel better.
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
I am sorry you have to deal with this and hope the best for you and your baby. It sounds like from what I googled there is a good possibility of a great outcome.
We were told at our 1st tri screen that we had a 1 in 3 chance of our child having a major birth defect. After lots of test, our odds are down to about 1 in 20 now.
It is hard to go through and I hope that you have some better news soon.
It'll be ok!!
You're only 6 weeks, right? At my 6 week u/s, they told me the heart had just started beating and anything over 100 was fine. Mine was 117. Since then, it quickly moved to the 150-170 range.
I had 2 subchorionic hematomas. Both caused spotting and were scary, but the doctors told me that they were more common than you would think. I was told to take it easy, not do anything strenuous, etc. It did take a few weeks for the spotting to finally slow down and stop, but the baby has been absolutely fine all this time.
Huge HUGS...
you have to trust your body....a woman's body was meant to birth babies! i know its hard to have that trust when the trust was broken by a m/c but your body CAN and WILL do this just hang on to hope:) 2 weeks will go by faster than you think. and STOP GOOGLING NOW!;)
I had a subchorionic hemmorage with Marisa, and it is scary. I also made the mistake of googling. I know it helped when I heard of others who had successful pregnancies with the same condition--my sig is proof that it's very possible!!
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