
Baby Monitor

We never received a baby monitor and with Zoey coming home in a week or two, I want to make sure we have one. So, when you got your little ones home, and they didn't need a breathing monitor what type of monitor -video/sound/movement (all 3?) did you get to monitor your baby and which brand?


Re: Baby Monitor

  • We have the Angle Care and we love it. It was particularly nice when she first came home and we had to adjust to life without a monitor. I wish it had video but the new ones do. A lot of people here also like the Snuza for similar reasons.

    Its exciting to hear Zoey is making such great progress!

  • We have an Angel Care and the Snuza go. I love them both for different reasons. Snuza for daycare and napping in places other than her crib. Angel Care at night. 
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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  • We have an Angel Care Monitor also.   I am also considering the Snuza like pp's said.

      Right now LO is sleeping in our room but when he goes to his own room, we will have a video monitor in addition to the Angel Care.   We actually found a surveillance camera set up on Black Friday that came with 2 cameras that we will be using, we will use one camera for this LO and the other camera is in DS#1's room. 

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