We never received a baby monitor and with Zoey coming home in a week or two, I want to make sure we have one. So, when you got your little ones home, and they didn't need a breathing monitor what type of monitor -video/sound/movement (all 3?) did you get to monitor your baby and which brand?
Re: Baby Monitor
We have the Angle Care and we love it. It was particularly nice when she first came home and we had to adjust to life without a monitor. I wish it had video but the new ones do. A lot of people here also like the Snuza for similar reasons.
Its exciting to hear Zoey is making such great progress!
Our precious girl, born at 27 weeks.
We have an Angel Care Monitor also. I am also considering the Snuza like pp's said.
Right now LO is sleeping in our room but when he goes to his own room, we will have a video monitor in addition to the Angel Care. We actually found a surveillance camera set up on Black Friday that came with 2 cameras that we will be using, we will use one camera for this LO and the other camera is in DS#1's room.