TTC after 35


Today I had a saline sonogram (where they filled my uterus with water) to see if my intramural fibroid was distorting the shape of my uterus. It is not, however the RE found a smaller fibroid inside my uterus and she said that I should get it removed asap. She said the recovery time would be 2 months. My RE is going to talk to my OB/GYN to see if we should remove both (the one inside and the one outside) and that recovery would be 6 months. If I have to go that way the RE is suggesting to freeze good quality embryos. 

My question is, if the fibroid inside my uterus is really small can't a fertilized egg just implant elsewhere in the uterus? I know I should have asked that simple question when I was there this morning. But I was trying to fight back tears and remain clam.

Anyone have any experience with fibroids? 


Re: Fibroids

  • No experience, but wish you good luck!
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  • I had several fibroids and the question to ask is what type of fibroid do you have.  If the smaller fibroid is pedunculated (on a stalk) then it could definitely interfere with implantation.  Also, your RE may be concerned with the fibroid increasing in size -one of my fibroids was the size of a grapefruit. My RE removed my fibroids and we had to wait three mos. after surgery before we could TTC.  I know that more waiting isn't what you had hoped for but the surgery should increase your chances for becoming PG. 


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  • I have subserosal fibroids.  it was suggested to leave them as surgery could cause scarring that could hinder a pregnancy.
    Us: 39(me)/41(he). TTC since April '11. DOR/MFI. March '12: surgery to remove fibroids, cysts, and endometriosis.
    IVF #1: 9/13/12. ER: 9/25. 3R, 2M, 1F. ET: 9/28 (1-6B). Beta: moved from 10/11 to 10/10: BFN.
    IVF #2: 11/12 cycle postponed due to Sandy and then cancelled due to elevated E2.
    IVF #2.1 cancelled due to cyst.
    IVF #2.2: 2/2/13. Converted to IUI. BFN
    IVF #3.0: 3/2014. BCP & Microdose Lupron.  Cycle cancelled due to poor response.
    IVF #4.0: 2/2015. EPP @ new RE. ER: 3/8. 3R, 3M, 1F. ET: 3/11 (1-8cell). 3/23 Beta: 16.9. 3/25 Beta: 71.6. 3/27 Beta: 300. 3/29 Beta: 800 3/31 Beta: 1816. 4/1 Beta: 4342. m/c at 6w2d. Goodbye little one. I loved you already.
    P/SAIF Welcome.
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