
Feeling like a terrible mommy

My DD is in first grade and they had a winter party at school this afternoon. They sent home a notice about it that specifically stated siblings were not invited. I also have two younger kids and ordinarily I might have tried to get a babysitter for them, but the party was smack in the middle of my toddler's nap time so I didn't see how that would work. I told DD a few days ago I wouldn't be able to make it to the party, and she just shrugged and seemed fine about it.

Then this morning, I somehow totally forgot to put DD's lunch in her backpack. I drove out to her school an hour before her lunch time, gave her lunch to the people at the front desk, and told them her name and her teacher's name. I stood there while the lady called her teacher and told her my DD's lunch was there. Then I left.

So then when I picked up DD at the bus stop this afternoon, she looked really sad. I asked her what was wrong and she said, "I had to buy lunch today...and you were supposed to be at the party."

It turned out that somehow her teacher had forgotten to go get DD's lunch at the main office (she finally remembered after lunch was over). And apparently DD had forgotten I said I wouldn't be at the party. I had reminded her on a note that was in her lunch box...which she never saw.

Ugh....FAIL! I just keep picturing DD sitting at her class party and looking around sadly for me...wondering why I wasn't there and why I didn't give her her lunch! She went over to a friend's house right after she came home, but I'll have to talk to her about it more tonight. Oh, and the worst part is that right after she went to her friend's house, I looked in her bookbag and found that she had made this incredibly sweet Christmas card for me that said how much she loves me!  :(

~ Liz, mommy to:
DD, 1/7/05 * DS #1, 1/25/07 * DS #2, 11/11/09
Baby #4, EDD 11/11/12
m/c 7/30/08 at 12 weeks (blighted ovum, emergency D&C)

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