
should I wait for twins for Christmas pictures/cards?

Do you think it's too late to send out Christmas cards after Christmas? I'm waiting for the twins to get here any day now, but not sure when they will arrive. My scheduled c-section is Jan 7th.. but I'm thinking after New Years is probably TOO late to send out cards.

I was hoping to get them in the picture with their big brother before sending the cards out. any ideas what to do? or just send out son's picture alone? or wait it out and see when the twins arrive - anytime from now until Jan 7th?


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Re: should I wait for twins for Christmas pictures/cards?

  • I would wait and send them, there are no rules on this!
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  • We are sending out our holiday/announcement cards out after the twins arrive.  Given printing time, it will definitely be after Christmas and possibly after New Year's by the time they go out.  I'm assuming ppl will understand that we are busy and that sending them two cards w/in two weeks is kind of silly.
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  • You could make it a holiday card and birth announcement in one.  I don't think anyone would look at you funny for sending a card just had twins! ;-)
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  • I'd either send Christmas cards out now and then birth announcements when they are here, or skip the Christmas cards and just do birth announcements after they are born. 

    Mine were born early Nov last year and I skipped Christmas cards and just did birth announcements.  Christmas happens every year but I (hopefully) only have twins once. So I didn't make them "share" with a Christmas card.  

  • My kids arrived a week before Christmas, which wasn't exactly planned. We just sent birth announcements and skipped holiday cards last year.
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  • imageMrsLnt:

    I'd either send Christmas cards out now and then birth announcements when they are here,

    This is what I would do, plus it give you ds one last chance to have his own card :)

  • If you really want to send cards out before Christmas, how about a pic of big brother holding your belling, and saying something like "waiting for his favorite gift to arrive" and then sending birth announcements.

    Otherwise, if babies arrive before New Year, you can send New Years cards... however (don't mean to be debbie downer), you don't know what medical care babies will need (I hope none), so a picture with the both of them may not be in the immediate cards.  My boys were in NICU for 8 days.

    -- Jackie
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  • I would send a new years/birth announcement card "A new year brings new blessings" or something like that.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Notes:
  • I would send out Christmas cards now, and a birth announcement/New Years card when they're here.  You're going to be so busy with two newborns and an older child, that you probably won't have time to get to cards/announcements right away, and a "Christmas" card in February is going to be a little weird.  ;)
  • Maybe wait and instead of doing just "christmas" cards, make them "holiday" cards so they include "warm wishes" and whatnot for the new year. 
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  • imageakaMrsL:
    I would send a new years/birth announcement card "A new year brings new blessings" or something like that.

    Thanks, love that quote to put on the card. and they are all all great ideas. Although, I'm not sure I'd want to send both a Christmas card & a birth announcement so close together.

    Thankfully, the photographer is my friend and she will come to my house within 5-10 days of them being born. She likes to photograph them still all sleepy & scrunchy, lol.

    I pray they do not end up in the NICU, but so far I'm 35 wks and they are already almost 6lbs each! They did a biophysical profile and breathing, lungs, size, etc look good so far. Having another one next week..

    image image
  • I would send them out after they arrive. I was going to do Christmas cards but I am just waiting until the twins are here!
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  • You could always send out Christmas cards now then send out a Happy New Year card with the twins? JUst and Idea. :) But if your just wanting to send out Christmas Cards, like pp said, there are no rules on this. :)
  • Just send "Happy New Year" cards.  I did that several years b/c I couldn't get my butt in gear for Christmas cards.  Everyone loved them and said it was nice to get something after Christmas wishing them well.  Just a thought :)
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imageomalley:
    You could make it a holiday card and birth announcement in one.  I don't think anyone would look at you funny for sending a card just had twins! ;-)

    I think I'm planning on doing this. Make it a "New Years" card so we can include the twins. Plus, DS #1 will not cooperate with our photo sessions in front of our Christmas tree and I have no energy right now to deal with it. So after the first of the year and the twins get here and we get settled, we'll send a card and it will double as the birth announcement. I bet I'll look fabulously tired in the photo :) 

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  • I would either do a happy new year card or a birth announcement, but skip the christmas card.  
  • My boys were born Jan 6 (scheduled induction) so we sent out birth announcements/Easter cards instead. And yes, it really did take me 3 months to get around to it b/c those first few months were so crazy! Still though, it worked out well and no one gave me a hard time about it. :)
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • imagetwinmom2012:

    I would send a new years/birth announcement card "A new year brings new blessings" or something like that.

    Thanks, love that quote to put on the card. and they are all all great ideas. Although, I'm not sure I'd want to send both a Christmas card & a birth announcement so close together.

    Thankfully, the photographer is my friend and she will come to my house within 5-10 days of them being born. She likes to photograph them still all sleepy & scrunchy, lol.

    I pray they do not end up in the NICU, but so far I'm 35 wks and they are already almost 6lbs each! They did a biophysical profile and breathing, lungs, size, etc look good so far. Having another one next week..

    Yeah, I love that idea!
    And I don't blame you at all for not wanting to do two major mailings so close together! Feel free to skip the Christmas cards if you'd rather; I love MrsLnt's new year idea. :)

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I would probably do reg. Christmas cards now and then announcements once the kids were born...  :)
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