Boston Babies

What is a good lightweight stroller?

I just purchased the Chicco Liteway stroller for $135 (still in the box) and that is after reading mounts of reviews, reading, and watching videos comparing to other lightweight strollers. But now I still feel like I did not picked the right one. Anyone here have a good lightweight stroller but more heavy duty than a umbrealla that they love that is good for strolling in Boston, taking the T, and efficient enough to stroll in snow since I will commuting with my 9 month old.

Re: What is a good lightweight stroller?

  • I have a friend that owns a Chicco stroller and enjoys it. 

     We have a Zooper and I love it. It's light, the wheels are heavy duty, it has a higher handle than a typical umbrella stroller, and a large basket.  It has some nice removable features too ... cup holder, umbrella, and "boot" (kinda like a sleeping bag). Some of the Zoopers even have removable snack trays. We've used it on our gravel driveway, in Boston, in the park, at the mall ... pretty much everywhere and it handles well on all surfaces.  The only place we haven't taken it is on the T. The old 2009 models have 2 seperate handles but I believe the new 2011 models have a single bar for 1 handed steering (but the colors are a little crazier.) 

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