I know there are at least 6 of us in ART cycles and at least 2 more in "au natural" cycles.
Me - At 6dp3dt for the our IVF cycle, I'm swinging wildly from being sure nothing took and all the embryos died to thinking, well, maybe. I'm not feeling any different at all and today we found out our last embryo didn't even make it to blast, let alone freezing quality blast. Not that we expected it to, but still, not a good sign.
How is everyone holding up?
Good luck to everyone testing soon.
Re: How is everyone in the 2WW doing?
Annalisel, I really hope that this is the one for you!
I am 5dpIUI -- should get FP on the 23 or 24. It is still early, but I haven't been too distracted by the 2ww. But I just finished up a huge project at work, so now I will have plenty of time to obsess.
Well, tomorrow ends my 2WW, and I am not expecting good things. I've been obsessing this week since the 2nd pink line on my positive PG test has gotten lighter, not darker and this morning was not even there.
Ridiculous, but I really have hope that my tests are wrong.
Here's hoping that we all get the BFPs we are looking for this month.
Good luck ladies!
That's kind of my answer to the question at 4dp5dt, so exactly the same as you, as you pointed out. My mood swings are the same and I'm the same boat with our leftover embryo not making it to blast, too. Today I "felt" like I was a little "crampy" but honestly, I know better than to think that means anything given all the damn progesterone. And I really, really wanted a glass of wine tonight. Normally I would have but the clinic said not to, so....
I hear you! I was so obsessed with temperature taking right before and after my IUI that I was getting up at 2 in the morning & going out to the couch so I wouldn't fall into too deep of a sleep to get up and temp at 6 am.
I am 5dp3dt. Twinges in my abdomen, but I'm sure they aren't anything. Progesterone symptoms, moody....
Good Luck eveyone!!