
What to expect at 26 weeks.... 29 weeks....32 weeks...

hi ladies,

pardon my question, but I'm hoping to find some resources. In short, I'm pregnant with twins and our son is likely dealing with a terminal condition, and if he passes prior to term, we could be looking at a preemie situation with his twin sister in there. (I'm 22 weeks tomorrow. Viabilty is 23 weeks at our hospital. May that be irrelevent.)  She also has placental issues, that also increase her chances of PTL and/or IUGR.

At today's "birthplan meeting" the nurse suggested we meet with a neonatologist. Uugggh. Because I have time for ANOTHER meeting with another specialist?

Between my nursing background, my years on these bump boards, and friends (on here and IRL) that have HAD preemies... I think I have a pretty good grasp at what kind of things we'd be facing if we had a baby pre-term.

But my husband is pretty green about all this. He's requested some kind of timeline or overview.

Does someone have a list, or readings/articles somewhere... that would kinda explain what babies face at each age of gestation? At 24 weeks they.... at 31 weeks they work on.... what gestation is typically just "feeders and growers"..... ????



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Re: What to expect at 26 weeks.... 29 weeks....32 weeks...

  • Im so sorry you are here! We have a preemie resource blog and on the main preemie page it is up to the right. It will tell you some useful info about being in the NICU and tell you some of our stories (including my 27 weekers). 

    I can tell you first hand there is no cut and dry answers. I had twins and one was strictly a feeder/grower with only 1 scare of anything.  The other has issues to this day that we have concerns about.  They are genetically identical and yet they are completely different in how they went through the NICU. There are moms here that had 36 weekers that ran into complications with their preemies.

    The best advice I can give is take it a day at a time and feel free to come here to vent or for advice any time!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I don't think that being born at any gestational age will determine what, if any, complications a baby will have.  Personally, my 31w2d baby girl was a feeder/grower and we were extremely lucky.  We only had one spell, and that was the day the doctor said 'you are going home in 2 days' (it ended up being 3 due to the spell).  Our NICU stay was 37 days.  I noticed you are in Minnesota - which hospital will you be delivering at?  We delivered at and were in the NICU at North Memorial and the staff in the NICU there was fantastic, it has been 2.5 weeks since we have been home from the hospital and I do miss chatting with several of the nurses :)
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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  • Sounds like you have a lot on your plate!! Usually the Neos can give you specific statistics about complication rates at different gestational ages- that's kinda the point of meeting with them. I think the data we were given was hospital specific so would be less helpful to you. Make sure to advocate for steroids to help with lung maturity if they're talking preterm delivery. As far as I was told there isn't really a downside. We're here if you need us!! ((HUGE HUGS))
    BFP#1 9/14/10 (EDD 5/21/11); no fetal pole 6w6d, 7w4d, d&c 10/8
    BFP#2 3/16/11, beta 138; 4/12 Baby/HB DS born 9/10/11 at 29w4d due to partial abruption and PTL
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    BFP#3 8/19/13 Another boy! 17P, modified bedrest and Nifedipine helped us have a termie! DS2 born 4/19/14 at 38w5d.
  • I'm so sorry - what a lot of stressful details to be thinking about. As one PP said it's hard to determine 'preemie'ness because each baby is different, but every day in the oven makes a huge difference!

    Please look at my siggy - there is a link to a blog we've put together that is just the sort of thing you're asking about. I hope it will be helpful. Take the link to the FAQ and share it with friends and family so they'll know how to help you better when/if the time comes.

    If you have other questions or concerns we're all here for you!

  • I'm sorry you're dealing with this.  I'm sure it's incredibly difficult for you and your family.  To address your specific question:  I'd look at the March of Dimes website.  There's a lot of information there about preemies that your husband might find helpful.  Here's a link:

    I'll be thinking of you... 

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

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  • imageurbanflowerpot:

    I'm so sorry - what a lot of stressful details to be thinking about. As one PP said it's hard to determine 'preemie'ness because each baby is different, but every day in the oven makes a huge difference!

    Please look at my siggy - there is a link to a blog we've put together that is just the sort of thing you're asking about. I hope it will be helpful. Take the link to the FAQ and share it with friends and family so they'll know how to help you better when/if the time comes.

    If you have other questions or concerns we're all here for you!

     All of this exactly. Also I would reconsider the meeting with the neos. I know you have a ton on your plate right now but I think it would help both you and your husband have a chance to find out your hospital's views on things. There are a lot of things that are hospital-specific so reading our stories will only help you get a general perspective. The neos can tell you exactly what their plans will be at any given gestational age.

    I'm sorry you are facing this-I can't imagine how hard it must be to process everything. 

  • imagegysberger04:
    I noticed you are in Minnesota - which hospital will you be delivering at?   

    Not there, downtown Mpls near Lake St Wink

    Thanks everyone. Gee, is ANYTHING going to be black and white, cut & dry with this? lol. I know it's best if we do tour with a neo, I'm just dreading ANOTHER appointment. (I have all kinds of health issues, so I literally am at SOMETHING at least 2-3 times a week... my poor daughter wakes up and asks who we get to see today? and is happy based on their sticker collection, lol.)

    But I'm a "planner" and grateful I have time to kinda get a sense of things before chit hits the fan. If it does. :::rolls eyes::: 

    Thanks everyone! I'll check out those links.

    Then I'll hope to NEVER need that info, if ya'll don't mind  ;-)

    Join us - Commit Random Acts of Kindness, and say "I did it for Cricket" Cricket's Cadence
  • Davez - this page on the MOD website has some general info as to different gestational ages and common issues. As a point of reference (since every preemie is different), Andrew dealt with all of the "common medical complications of preemies" except for NEC (although we did have a scare, just never confirmed thank goodness) and infection (how we avoided that one, I have no's very common in micropreemies with such long stays.)

    I have a book I can send you IF and ONLY IF you need it.  It really is too much to read cold - there are just so many things that a preemie can face that it's kind of overwhelming. 

    You aren't going to need the book though. [Tough love...tell those babies to stay put, ok?] xoxo

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I have popped in on the HR board. I'm all educated on GD, now. lol.

    And Kris... you keep your damn book  ;-P


    Join us - Commit Random Acts of Kindness, and say "I did it for Cricket" Cricket's Cadence
  • I'd also recommend Dr. Sears' "The Premature Baby Book".  It breaks down in easily understandable information about what to expect during a typical course for each range of gestation and the possible complications along the way.  Speaking to the neonatologist can be a good resource but can give you worst case scenario and statistics.  Also if your delivery isn't imminent, it might be hard for them to go into great detail about everything since it's unknown when you could deliver.  Best wishes to you and I hope you don't have to be here for while if ever.

  • Im so sorry to hear how much you are dealing with. I agree with everything the other ladies have told you. Meeting with the Neos is a good idea. But never forget that all babies are different - My DD was born at 22w5d - we were told she had less then a 10% chance of survival. And more than an 80% chance of severe disability if she did survive - She is now a healthy and happy 9 month old with no obvious signs of disability and no serious medical issues.  We were blessed - you will be in our T&P
    image image imageLilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • imageMrs. Alice:

    I'd also recommend Dr. Sears' "The Premature Baby Book".  It breaks down in easily understandable information about what to expect during a typical course for each range of gestation and the possible complications along the way. 

    T - I sent you a FB message.  I have that book and it's yours if you want it. 

    I agree that while another appointment is no fun at all... meeting one of the neos would be really helpful.

    Husband has cystic fibrosis. I'm a carrier. We did TESE, IVF, ICSI, and PGD. After two failed IVFs, we were blessed with our twins.

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • imageCurlingRocks:

    I have popped in on the HR board. I'm all educated on GD, now. lol.

    And Kris... you keep your damn book  ;-P


    LOL There are other issues discussed on there, but the GD ladies do dominate a bit...  Sorry they weren't more helpful to you.


    no worries. they've been helpful, nice group. We all have our mountains, but I find myself saying "Gee, I WISH all I was dealing with was a short cervix or high blood sugars..." which isn't fair. It's hard for anyone not having a "normal" pregnancy. (as I'm sure you can all relate)

    Join us - Commit Random Acts of Kindness, and say "I did it for Cricket" Cricket's Cadence
  • There is such a big difference between 26, 29, 32 weeks, etc...the cutoff for "feeder/growers" really isn't set.  A friend delivered at 34w and her son was intubated.  My 35weeker needed no NICU time.  My friends 35-weeker needed 3 weeks of NICU time, several issues. 

    My first son was a 26 weeker - - he spent 17 weeks in the NICU - he had some pretty major issues, he is doing OK now - he's happy, talking, nearly running, loves school, but he is globally delayed, still facing GI issues, has mild ASD. 

    Lots of prayers. I'm so sorry your family is going through this.  

    I will say that when I went into the hospital at 24w, they offered that we go in the NICU and see what it's like prior to delivering.  We didn't.  I think that for me I'd rather just take it as it comes.  I didn't read any books.  We just trusted the doctors and took it a day at a time.  I felt like anxious that way.


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