Baby Names

Names from Family Album

Sadly, my grandfather just passed. However, it is always bittersweet to sit around as family going through old albums.  I just wish we would think to do it while our loved ones are still around to narrate! Anyway, here are some great (and not so great) names from my family albums which date back as far as the mid 19th century. We have French, Italian, German and Polish relatives and some good old American Southerners! ;)

Charlotte (Lottie)

Babette (Babbie)

Dean-Ray (Dinky)


Ruthjayne (they even did u-neek in 1920!!)

Gervace (m)



Else-Belle (German, so pronounces Elsa Bella)


Cindy Lou


Lucille (Luci)

Margaret (Molly)

Jessie (f)

Jesse (m)

Mott & Mack (twins)

Paula Lou (not related to Cindy Lou!)


Freidrich (Fritz)

Wendall (Wink)





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Re: Names from Family Album

  • You have a lot of neat names in there!
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  • Way more interesting than my family tree! :)
    DD 10/31/09 - BFP 3/22/11 M/C confirmed 4/9/11 at 8w4d - BFP 10/5/11 EDD 06/16/11 BabyFruit Tickerimageimageimage

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  • Favorites from your family tree:

    Amos, Liesel, Josephine, Margaret, Lucille and Jesse.

    My DS has just discovered the awesomeness of Emmett Otter's Jug Band Christmas, so when I saw Wendall on your list, I couldn't help but think of that movie.


  • Sorry about your grandfather. I like some of those names. I'm a charlotte fan but my last name completely ruins it. Think Charlotte's Webb. It's pretty much like that.
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  • So sorry about your seems like you are very versed on your family history.

    Are you looking for names that would be good for a baby in 2012?  Here are my picks they are all very interesting.

    Amos boy or girl

    Else-Belle (German, so pronounces Elsa Bella) I love ELSE Elsa...very nice

    Lucille (Luci) (My daughters name, after her Great Great Grandmother Lucy

    Margaret (Molly) I love the nn Margie with this one


    Freidrich (Fritz)

    Wendall (Wink)




    Fun fun!

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