my supply had taken a huge dip...not sure what's going on, but it's bad. I have 2 oz in the fridge right now and dd will probably be up in a few hours to eat. I'm about to pump but I'll be lucky if I get a couple of ounces. Even worse, A has gotten sick when we've given her formula to supplement. Sick to where she has vomited, not just spit up but projectile vomiting. It is super scary.
I've talked to Celyn and she's been a huge help, I also have have an appt. with a LC on Thurs. but I just don't know what to do at this point.
I also called her dr. to ask for some other recommendations for formula and they gave me a few suggestions. I'm just scared to give her any because I don't want her getting sick again.
I'm an emotional wreck and broke down tonight because I feel so helpless. This is probably going to sound selfish and flame worthy but if I knew this was going to be so hard, I would have probably not even tried exclusively pumping and would have just gone with formula.
I go back to work in 2 weeks and I don't know what I'm going to do!!
So if anyone has had to deal with something similar, could you share what worked? In terms of baby not doing well with formula and not having enough BM to provide for LO.
Thank you so much!!!
Re: it's gone from bad to worse (BF related)
Ditto this. My supply would tank when I was ovulating, then come back up about a week later. I took Fenugreek to help up my supply.
So sorry you're going through this...
Sending lots of hugs your way. I am sorry that you are going through this. I give you lots of kudos because I would never be able to EP.
Have you tried a soy based formula when you supplement? I know a few moms that did this because their babies reacted horribly to normal formula.
DD2: February 2014
Carmen - I am sorry that this is happening, I hope it's temporary like others said it may be - just AF showing up. I know how much you want to give A BM. You've done an amazing job making it 5 months as an EP. I hope talking with a DR will help give you some guidance in how to proceed.
Thank you everyone!
AF showed up a couple of days ago but this has been the worst (in terms of supply issues) it has ever been. I'm taking 6 fenugreek tablets a day (for about a month) and have been eating oatmeal for 4 days now.
We could only give her soy formula because she has a milk allergy, however, the dr. recommended Gerber, Good Start's Gentle, and/or Enfamil Gentlease. I got the Gerber stuff and will have to try it out and pray that she takes it and it doesn't upset her stomach.
I'm looking forward to my consultation with the LC tomorrow and in the meantime praying that my supply increases and A takes formula (when we're low on BM).
NorCalMOMS bio* NorCalBOTB* babywearingBIO
Harmony Doula
Most of all I wanted to send you some support and hugs ((Hugs))
I had a really hard time getting started with BF'ing, the first few weeks were sheer torture. It remained hard for a while and then all of a sudden, it worked itself out. I had to supplement b/c it was so hard. My experience BF taught me one thing: never judge anyone else for their decision about BF, supplementing, formula etc. I know that no matter what, every mom wants whats best for their kid and they are trying their hardest. So big hugs to you!
I had a brief period of time where my supply was low and I used the vitamin Fenugreek. It seemed to help (but made me stinky - sorry hubby! lol). I never had a high supply but we seemed to get buy. As I mentioned, I had to supplement so I finally decided that whatever I could supply would be ok. If I had to supplement, so be it. Every bit of BM is an absolute gift. And sometimes supplementing is an absolute necessity.
In regards to the formula and vomitting, I am wondering if another brand or make would work better. Could it be an allergy or lactose intolerance? Talk with your doc and LC. Keep trying, something will work out.
The only thing I wish I could change about BFing was how upset I was with myself. I was so mad that it wasn't working out easily, I felt like I was doing something wrong or that it was my fault. I wish I wasn't so hard on myself.
But, we persevered and like I said, all of a sudden it was easy. I BF for a long time and 5 years later, my kid is doing great. Healthy, strong, smart, funny and damn cute! LOL A mom can brag
So hang in there. Don't be too hard on yourself and just keep trying until you find a solution. It takes some time but it will come
All my bests!
Lighthouse State Beach, Santa Cruz.