When do they check preemies eyes? What are the chances of eye problems? Nolan was born at 28 weeks. I just would like to know if there are any problems with his eyes and when we would know. When he does open his eyes he moves them all around and it looks like he is trying to focus on something.
Re: eye problems
We also had eye exams every two weeks in our NICU. The main thing they check for is ROP which can cause blindness and is generally tied to the time and level of O2 support your baby had. Their premature eyes don't always develop correctly when on high levels of O2.
DD was cleared the week before we were discharged. Our pedi wants us to do a follow up when she is a year old to start checking for other eye issues. She said preemies often struggle with vision so she wants to check regularly in case there is anything we need to catch early.
Our precious girl, born at 27 weeks.
adorable pics. layla started being tested for ROP (retinopathy of prematurity) at 30w gestational age. she'll be tested weekly until she's released.
she doesn't focus either. i don't think full term newborns really do either, and they can only see a foot away. i wouldn't worry at this point because it's too early to tell.
My son was checked for ROP beginning at 30 weeks. And they checked every week or two. He did end up needing surgery, but is fine now. He was on the ventilator for almost 5 weeks.
I would just ask if your LO will be checked, and when. As for the focusing, I think that is normal in newborns - like PP said, they can't see very far yet.
I can't quite remember when they started checking DD's eyes. I think it was around 32 weeks GA. They checked them every 2 weeks. She had ROP but it resolved on it's own. She had to be seen once when we left the NICU. Basically it has to do with the vessels in the eye. There are 3 "zones" (I think) of the eye. They just want to make sure the vessels reach all the zones. I think that's how I remember them explaining it to me. If it doesn't resolve on it's own, I believe it's a simple laser eye surgery.
My DD was born at 29 weeks and was on O2 for just a day or two. They've come a long way with understanding how O2 levels affect the eyes. I think blindness isn't as big of an issue as it used to be.