D.C. Area Babies

breathe right strips? (update)

apparently DH has awoken several times lately convinced that an old, fat dude has snuck into our bedroom...because that's how bad I've been snoring. sexy, huh?

(ftr, when I'm not pregnant I have been guilty of snoring when I have a cold, but other than that I'm a pretty quiet sleeper.)

anyway, I have driven him from the room for 3 nights in a row now and I feel kinda bad about it. has anyone tried breathe right strips? do they work? are they uncomfortable? 

update:  I tried them last night. I bought the clear ones for sensitive skin and I have to say that instantly I could breath more clearly through my nose than I can ever remember. and I didn't really find it to be uncomfortable, I had no problems sleeping with it on.

DH said that when I first fell asleep, it sounded like I was trying super hard to snore, but wasn't quite making it--just heavy breathing. but he said that he woke up later and I'd finally managed to start snoring, lol. but he said that it wasn't nearly as loud or bothersome as it had been and he was able to fall back asleep okay.

and I definitely felt better rested this morning so I'll keep using them for now! 

Re: breathe right strips? (update)

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    Oh yes, definitely try them. I used them through most of my pregnancy (how's that for sexy?), mostly for congestion. But I make DH wear them occasionally when he's snoring and I can't sleep and they work!
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    Oh yeah. Used them throughout my pregnancy as well. DH uses them too. There are different sizes and DH has a larger schnoz so he wears the larger ones. I would think, for you, the regular size would be fine. I did think they felt weird at first but I got used to them.


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    They work...somewhat...for me when pregnant.  They're definitely better if the problem is congestion / stuffiness, and they're not uncomfortable...but also not very attractive.  I'm a third-trimester snorer, to the point where DH thinks I should get tested for apnea.  Breathe right strips don't help much if the source is more toward the back of your nose or in your upper throat area, which is usually what happens while pregnant (thanks to hormones or whatever relaxing certain areas).  I could tell if I'd been snoring at night because the back of my throat felt funny (almost swollen) and dry in the morning.  It mostly happened when I was sleeping on my back, so DH would nudge me and I'd roll to my side, and that often helped.

    They're worth a shot, but don't let your DH count on them being the answer!

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    DH wears them almost nightly, and they have been a lifesaver in terms of drastically cutting down his snoring.  I have used them occasionally as well when I have been congested and think they work pretty well. 

    I would recommend NOT getting the "advanced."  The adhesion seems to be stronger, and on a couple of instances DH ended up with what I affectionately term "nose hickeys" -- small red bruises on the sides of his nose where the adhesive was.  They seem to go away within a day or two, though.  I have not had that issue with the normal strips; they also sell a "sensitive" that I imagine would be more gentle.

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