I'm not a troll just under a different sn because of the medical info I'm going to tell you.
Had a doctor's appointment today and although this is my first child, asked him if I can choose to have a C-Section. He said yes. I have about a month to decide (32 weeks now). What pros/cons can you all think of for both c-section or vaginal?
I am considering the C-Section because 1. I have HSV (herpes- doctor says it's fine as long as there are no lesions when I go into labor- but sometimes the virus is present without any lesions- although the baby should have some immunity from my antibodies- worst case scenario could leave baby with brain damage ~3% chance) and HPV (have some warts right now, but the Dr doesn't seem concerned about them and won't remove them while I'm pregnant- says it shouldn't affect the baby). 2. I can pick the date/time (DH is currently working out of state and will come home when I go into labor- this way he would definitely be at the birth. If I go natural, he might miss it if it goes too fast for him to book a flight and fly home).
I am debating vaginal birth because 1. I plan to move to where DH is with LO as soon as medically cleared after the birth. If I have a C-section, it will take longer to heal. 2. Less possible complications for the mother. 3. Won't have to necessarily have a C-section next time.
I just can't figure out what to do. Currently, baby is also breech, so I am also debating just leaving it up to baby to decide by whether he flips or not.
Re: Elective C-Section for 1st Child? Help?
ok... lets see. Breech can change at any time up until you go into real labor, so lets take that out of the equation. CS vs VB is only a difference of about 2 weeks for medical clearance. With a CS, you still have a VBAC option next time, except in certain states.
Normally I am a strong supporter of VB rather than CS, but in your situation, with the medical concerns and the DH being far away I would actually personally go for the CS. Just ask them to hold off until that 40th week so baby has plenty of time to cook.
If your a FTM, chances are you wont go into labor early so DH should be fine getting there. Just remember, any time after about 37 weeks if you go into labor, Drs generally dont stop it. So best laid plans can still go poof if LO wants to come early and DH doesnt have a way to get to you fast.
PS: you could always schedule an induction rather than a CS....
Normally I'm not one to push for elective c-sections but given your history I would consider a c/s. Also, if you have a c/s you know your husband will be there for the birth and there is also a chance that your baby will remain breech so then you would most likely need one anyway. Good luck in your decision!
This. I was in the same position (HSV) from my exhusband. I didn't want to take even a remote chance that my baby would suffer from something my stupid ex-husband did when he cheated on me. So I had a C-Section and will for my second child also
Well, on one hand the doctor isn't too concerned about them, but I'd rather be safe. If you're not entirely averted to c/s then I think that's the way to go in this case. As for recovery/scheduling things- those are lesser concerns.