
if you have a curly-haired girl...

How do you manage her hair? DD#2 has the craziest, curly red hair and I am at a loss as to what to do with it anymore. It was easier when it was shorter but now it is finally starting to get a little bit of length to it and it frizzes out so easily.

Is there a certain product you use on it? I bathe her at night which works best for our routine, but then in the morning it is all over the place. Wetting it down does seem to help, so I've thought about using a spray bottle but now that it's so cold in the mornings I don't want her to go out with wet hair.

She is not opposed to hair clips, headbands, etc. but it is definitely not long enough for a ponytail.

DD#1 had curly hair when she was younger but by the time she was 3 it had pretty much straightened out. I don't see DD#2's hair straightening any time soon!

Mom to DD#1 December '06, DD#2 Feb '09 and DS March '12

Re: if you have a curly-haired girl...

  • For R's, I first spray some of this in there and brush through it to get the knots out.  Then, I spray her whole head with water in a spray bottle, comb it however I want and then scrunch up the curls a bit, sometimes adding a tiny bit more of the leave in conditioner, if needed.  If her hair gets frizzy throughout the day, I'll spritz on just a tiny bit of the conditioner and scrunch a bit.

    I also REALLY love this stuff, and would use that all the time, but I hate that I have to order it online.  It is much easier to just run to the salon and pick some of the other stuff up.

     I don't know for sure how long E's hair is, but I have been braiding R's hair at night, which really helps keep the tangles out and it is much more manageable in the morning.  As far as the wet hair goes, I comb R's hair first thing when she gets up so that she has the time for getting dressed, eating breakfast, and riding in the car for it to dry.  It is usually dry by the time we leave the house.

  • I really don't use products on her hair.  We bathe every night.  One night I will use JandJ conditioning shampoo for curly hair and John Freida Frizz-Ease conditioner.  The next night I "wash" her hair with just the conditioner.  There are enough chemicals in conditioner to clean curly hair so they don't need shampoo every night. 

    I braid her hair every night.  It doesn't matter how good it looks, how many braids there are, etc.  It will save a ton of time and pain in the morning.  Just take the braids out and spritz with water.  

    I use a wide tooth comb when I braid her hair, but just my fingers in the morning.  If she does get a knot, it is easier to rub between my forefinger and thumb than pull with a comb.  She never complains anymore about me doing her hair in the am.

    If needed I will put leave-in conditioner in her hair.  I purchased some and they all seemed to weigh her hair down so I just made my own from the Frizz-Ease, 1 part conditioner 10 parts hot water and store in a spray bottle.

    I knew nothing about curly hair and I learned a lot from the book "Curly Girl"  I was able to check it out from the library. 

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  • i don't use any products on her hair. What I find that works best is after I was her hair at night, I brush it and then braid it. She sleeps w/ the braid in and in the morning her is easy to brush through and looks good.
    Matt and Krystal 9-18-05
    DD 1/29/07 -

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I don't wash it every night.  I think it looks its worse on the morning after a bath, for some reason.  When I do wash it, use some of my leave-in conditioner on it and comb out all the knots.

    DON'T BRUSH IT DRY!  It will just get big.

    I really like the Paul Mitchell taming spray, but right  now I'm just using a Suave kids detangler on it in the mornings.  We do everything - piggies, headbands, clilps, etc.  She's very fancy :)  It's just not really long enough to braid.

    I also keep it right at or above shoulder length.  She really wants long hair, but I worry about managing it.  I have long thick used to be curly hair (it's more just frizzy now) and I used to sleep in braids - it helped a lot.

  • Thanks, ladies. Joseys - I just ordered some of the Ouidad. Her hair is not nearly long enough to braid. It is not even to her shoulders. But I think I will spritz it with water in the mornings because it seems to look its best right after it's been wet.
    Mom to DD#1 December '06, DD#2 Feb '09 and DS March '12
  • imagesnowflakemom:
    Thanks, ladies. Joseys - I just ordered some of the Ouidad. Her hair is not nearly long enough to braid. It is not even to her shoulders. But I think I will spritz it with water in the mornings because it seems to look its best right after it's been wet.

    I'm not kidding, that stuff is so great.  It makes the curls so soft and well, curly! Smile


  • I wash/condition every single morning.  If I don't, she looks like a disheveled mess!!  Comb thru it wet and I use Moroccan Oil Curl Creme, which really helps and the let it air dry.  I drive her to school so it's mostly dry when she gets there.  She only walks from the car at the front of the school to the front door so she's outside less than one minute.  

    I find if I don't at least condition everyday, it gets crazy tangled from her sleeping on it. 

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