One of my good friends has a daughter who just turned 8. My 3 year old son wasn't invited to her all girls skating birthday party (obviously) and I don't expect him to be invited to her parties going forward because of the age/gender difference. Do you still buy birthday gifts for friend's kids if you aren't invited to the party?
ETA: I bought gifts for her before I even had a kid so I'm leaning toward buying gifts now too...just wondered the protocol.
Re: Do you buy bday gifts for friend's kids if not invited to the party?
And even if I'm invited, and can't make it, I still don't buy a gift (as a general rule - there have been times where I have but more times than not, I don't).
How's that for a Nestie no-no!
Ditto! No party = no gift from me. And if I can't make it to your party? Sorry! This goes for everyone except immediate family. My friends and I also do not exchange and would rather go out for lunch or a girls night out.