
Advice about csections?

I just found out Im getting a csection between thursday- tuesday. I will find out the exact date tomorrow. 

Im nervous about it now. Before it was no big deal. Now I think its hitting me and Im having all these thoughts rush through my head. 


Can you give me a rundown of what happens so I can calm my nerves?  

** Highschool Sweethearts ** 
Married: February 14, 2009

MC: June 6 2010 @ 18 weeks
DS: December 19, 2011
MC: October 2, 2015 @ 14 weeks

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Re: Advice about csections?

  • I had a planned c-section with DS2.

    Surgery was at 8am so we had to be at the hospital by 6am. I wasn't allowed to eat or drink after midnight. We checked in a went to a L&D room. I got changed into a gown and IVs were started. We filled out some paperwork and waited.

    Around 7am the top of my bikini line was shaved.

    Around 7:30 my OB came in to talk to me. Shortly after that the Anesthesiologists came in to talk to me.

    Around 7:50 DH got his scrubs on and we walked down to the OR. DH waited in the hall. I got my spinal and a catheter but I was numb by then.

    Sometime after that my OB and DH walked in. DS was born at 8:09. They held him up for me to see and then DH followed him to the warmer.

    Shortly after that DH sat by my head again with DS2. We left the OR around 8:40. I held DS as we were wheeled out.

    We went back to my L&D room. DH gave DS his first bath and changed him into clothes we brought. I had a nurse help me change into my own nursing gown and bra. I breastfeed DS and was allowed ice chips. We stayed in this room for two hours and then went to my PP room.

    MIL brought our other kids to see us around noon. We had a few other visitors come and go but I hadn't slept the night before and was on morphine so I slept though all of them.

    The next morning my IVs and cath were removed. I was able to get up, take a shower by myself, and walk the halls. I don't remember when I was allowed to eat food but I didn't feel hungry until dinner.

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  • Thanks. 

    How long was your recovery? 

    ** Highschool Sweethearts ** 
    Married: February 14, 2009

    MC: June 6 2010 @ 18 weeks
    DS: December 19, 2011
    MC: October 2, 2015 @ 14 weeks

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  • I had a scheduled c/s.

    5:30 am - arrive at hospital - get settled in room and did some bloodwork

    7:15am - went back to OR, got spinal (not near as bad as I thought it'd be)

    7:30 - DH came in and surgery began

    7:56 - DD was born - I got to see DD and DH got to cut the cord (sort of).  I got to hold DD and we took some pictures.  DD and DH then went to the nursery while I was being sewn up.  I was in recovery for awhile because they couldn't get my temp up.  I slept most of the time.  I think it was about an hour.  After that I went back to my room where DH was waiting with DD.  I nursed her as soon as I got back.

    Recovery wasn't too bad.  I made sure and got up as soon as they let me.  Basically take things slow and steady.  And make sure to take the pain meds (I was fine with 800mg of motrin).  I chose to stay 4 nights, but never sent DD to the nursery.

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  • imagemrskimm09:


    How long was your recovery? 

    I was up walking, very slowly, after 24hrs

    After 2-3 days I was still sore but was fine walking. Getting up and down was still hard.

    After a week I was a little sore but off of any pain meds.

    After 8 days I drove a short distance and was fine with stairs. We have a ranch style house so I didn't try before then.

    After 2 weeks I was able to pick up DS1 who was 3.

    After 6 weeks DH and I were able to have sex. I felt completely back to normal by then.

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  • Great thanks! 
    ** Highschool Sweethearts ** 
    Married: February 14, 2009

    MC: June 6 2010 @ 18 weeks
    DS: December 19, 2011
    MC: October 2, 2015 @ 14 weeks

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I had an emergency one, and had about the same recovery as the other poster said. I hear it's better with a planned than with emergency, if that helps :) I had an induction, so I had to go through all the pain and then ended up with a csection, so at least you know what you can expect. Good luck - it will be fine! :)
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  • It's been so long, but 2 things I know I'm going to remember for this time around:

    1.Ask for an abdominal binder in the hospital.  I loved that thing, I probably wore it too long (5 weeks pp).

    2. Take colace daily and when you finally do have to poop, hold a small pillow against your stomach.  It still won't be fun, but it'll help.

  • A couple of other tips:

    Voice your desires ahead of time regarding nursing in the OR/ holding LO, etc.  Otherwise they will just go ahead and do whatever is routine for them. 

    Use an old-fashioned cotton maxi pad over the incision to keep the staples from pulling on your underwear.

    You're not supposed to drive for 2-3 weeks afterward, so plan accordingly.

    Second the binder -- loved it!

    Start putting mederma or something on the scar as soon as your doctor gives the go-ahead.  I wish I had been more vigilant at first and it seems to help the itching. 

  • imagejlthompson19:

    It's been so long, but 2 things I know I'm going to remember for this time around:

    1.Ask for an abdominal binder in the hospital.  I loved that thing, I probably wore it too long (5 weeks pp).

    2. Take colace daily and when you finally do have to poop, hold a small pillow against your stomach.  It still won't be fun, but it'll help.

    Definitely ask for the binder. Some doctors are opposed to giving them to patients, however. I had to specifically request mine and the ob on call asked my nurse to give me a speech about appropriate use of it before she gave it to me. In short, the speech consisted of "do not use it to overdo housework or using stairs - this can extend recovery time. do not use it to appear thinner".

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