So my kid has stripped himself naked by 11pm for the last three nights. I've been putting him in the Children's Place basic footie PJs. He thinks he's a hoot...he does this with any footie PJ. He does not do it with Tshirt/pant sets.
I am tired of changing his sheets in the middle of the night.
This will pass..right?
Re: Toddler stripping
Do you think he's getting hot at night? Maybe the footless set keeps him cooler, so he doesn't strip those? You can try putting his diaper on backwards - that would at least thrwart any sheet changing in the morning!
You could also try safety pinning the zipper at the top so he can't pull it down? But then I might worry that he will tug on the pin hard enough to spring it open - and that would be bad. :-/
It will pass. Duct taped diapers, duct taped backwards diapers, duct tape over the pajama zipper. 2T and 3T onesies. I even cut the legs off a zippered sleeper and sewed them back on the other way so I could put her in PJs backwards (they do sell zip up sleepers with the zipper on the back online)
I am so glad my child is finally keeping her pajamas on.
It will pass. Eventually.
I would go with backwards diapers, duct-taped if necessary. And definitely try non-footie pajamas. Personally, I hate hate hate wearing socks to bed because I can't stand to have my feet be hot. I can't have the sheets tucked under the mattress for the same reason - my feet have to be free! Of course, it might just be a 2yo love of nekkid, but the hot feet idea is worth investigating.