Hi! My water broke last Friday morning, December 2, and I wound up delivering my twin girls, Taylor and Tiernan, in emergency c-section early Saturday morning at 31w5d. They're in NICU and will stay until somewhere between the middle and end of January, if all goes well. They are doing relatively well! Both are on room air, digesting pumped/gavage breast milk well, back at their birth weights (it's been 9 days as of today), no significant Bradys or decels to date, and they are getting their IVs removed today (assuming things stay to plan). My husband and I are crazy in love with them, though I'm always anxious about a bad outcome (we had a second-tri loss back in February that really affected my emotional outlook on pregnancy/babies). I just pray that things continue to go ok. Looking forward to participating on this board!
Re: Introducing my girls
Congratulations on the birth of your twins, it sounds like they are doing really, really well. Please keep us posted on their progress.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter Samantha.
Thank you! I forgot to add their weights: Taylor was 3 lb 4 oz and Tiernan was 3lb 5 oz.
I am suddenly realizing that at one point or another during this journey, I would've fit in on a LOT of Bump boards, but I never expected to arrive at Preemies! I am grateful though. 3TC, Infertility, MC/PG Loss, Loss, PGAL, PAIF, Multiples, High-Risk, C-Sec ... Geez!
Nov '10: IVF#1: BFP! Girl. Missed m/c at 14 weeks. Devastated
Apr '11: IVF#2: BFP! Twin Girls born on Dec 3, 2011 at 31w5d! One month in NICU.
Oct '13: IVF#3: BFP! Girl born Jun 19, 2014 at 38w3d!
Married 08/18/07
BFP 02/15/11 EDD 10/27/11 Born at 35w3d on 09/25/11
BFP 10/13/12 EDD 06/25/13 Born at 37w0d on 06/04/13
BFP 12/11/15 EDD 08/23/16 Early miscarriage
BFP 02/02/16 EDD 10/16/16
Welcome to the 'premie' board. I wish we all didn't have to be here--but here we are all the same--supporting each other throughout our stays and beyond.
My stay at the NICU ended yesterday after 94 days with my two sons. Feel free to ask anything you need.
I know it can be hard, especially after a loss, I had two myself before my sons arrived--but all we can do is press forward and hope for the best. I wish you the best. 9 days is already a great sign--especially from what you have described!
The Conception Craze
1/2009- TTTC
After 7 rounds of clomid and HcG, Three failed IUI's with an ectopic pregnancy, two shots of methotrextate, ER visits, breaks, low (3%) morphology One IVF cycle (lupron, gonal-F) that ended in another ectopic, more methotrexate, A Lap to disconnect both tubes, remove endo and a hydrosalphinx, . . .we are finally expecting TWINS from FET#1!
1.11. 2011: Beginning FET cycle!
3.11.11- FET! (DH's birthday!) 2 blasts transfered!
3.20.11- BETA #1 BFP!!! 272! (9dp5dt)
3.23.11- BETA #2 1346!!! (12dp5dt)
4.8.11- U/S #1. . TWINS!!! . . .TWO BOYS!
9.10.11-My beautiful Boys arrive unexpectedly at 28 weeks, 6 days.