Is the generic for Adderall 10mg the same as for 5 and 15 mg other than potency? I ask because I got my prescription filled today at Walmart for the first time. I was on 15 morning and 5 afternoon, and it was always labeled as "amphetamine" from Target or the local pharmacy. My dr. changed the script to 20 in the morning and 10 in the afternoon (only a couple times a week do I need the booster,) but wrote it for three 10s since the 20s are hard to get. The 10s I got are labeled as a combo of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, and I cannot figure out if there's really a difference or not. I haven't taken any yet. But, is it made differently because Walmart uses a different manufacturer? Or is the 10mg dose really a different set of ingredients? I tried calling Walmart and they were no help at all.
Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

Re: Bubbly - or any other pharmacist?