Pre-School and Daycare

chicken pox wwyd?

This is all hypothetical - sort of.

One of DS's good friends from nursery school, who he plays with every day, and who he had an additional play date with on Thursday (with DD), came out in spots today.

We're meant to ahve a 6 hour car trip to my PIL for Christmas on the 23rd.

I've asked my MIL and she's absolutely fine with us being there if they do come down with it. (Apparently all 3 of hers had it on a farm holiday once.) FSIL will be 36 weeks pregnant but she's said she's fine with it too. (This was my first concern.)

Would you go regardless (just trying to allow for extra comfort and quarantine en route, if either or both came out in spots?)? Cancel now? Plan to go but cancel potentially at hte last minute if they get CP?

I would HATE to cancel on the 23rd (our travel day) and then have to scramble a xmas, have the kids miss some of their gifts from santa (from the PILs), and be devastated about missing out on the big family xmas. But then the obvious discomfort, risk, etc... ARGH!


Mum to W (4) and M (nearly 2)

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