Cloth Diapering

Oh Katy

Do you use Oh Katy CDs? I've read some good reviews about them. We're expecting our twins soon and have newborn diapers planned out since they'll probably be too small to fit in the OS diapers. I really want to make CDing as simple as possible and am hoping these might be the answer. Any advice or reviews are appreciated!
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Re: Oh Katy

  • We have five Oh Katy pocket diapers. I like them. They are very well made, but they definitely run small. My son isn't even a year and they have been completely unsnapped for about three months now. My BG's and Kawaii's are still on the mid setting snaps. We reach for them just as much as our Kawaii's, which is just a little less often than the BG's. They are great for now, I'm just not sure they'll last til PT'ing.
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  • I have no experience with diapering, but I do own one and have played with it a little. The snaps are really difficult to unsnap. Maybe good for toddlers who try to take their diapers off, but it's really difficult. I just imagine trying to change my baby and jerking him/her around. Or if I can keep baby asleep through a change but startle them awake. I'm a little nervous about using it. 

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  • I like them enough. Our girls are really lean, and I find the waist is bunchy. I hope that goes away when we're not snapping over the tabs! Otherwise, they're nice and soft and the colors are awesome.
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