I know you guys don't know me all that well, so I hope you don't mind a little sad "vent" (not so much a vent, but something I need to get out..).
My very best friend was just diagnosed with breast cancer. She found a lump a bit ago- after various testings and things done on her, she was diagnosed with cancer. She's my age, just 32 years old. Her mother has also had breast cancer (and is in remission now).
I'm just so sad for her, and so scared right now. I've had a cousin go through breast cancer, but we're not extremely close.. my best friend is like my sister. And, she lives 4 hours away right now (she moved last year for her job) and I just want to go give her a hug, hold her and tell her to be strong.. and I can't do anything more than call her, and keep texting her to try and make her smile.
It was caught very early (although it's likely she will still need radiation and possibly chemo, I'm not actually sure of her treatment plan right now) so I know she'll get through.. but no one likes anyone so close to them to have cancer, and to have to suffer through this. She's also very educated about it all (because of her mom) and sometimes that's even scarier.. because she remembers clearly the struggles her mom had and how she reacted to treatments.
I'm just bummed right now. It's not about ME, it's about her- I know this. The selfish part of me, though, is having a hard time coping with the diagnoses. I feel incredibly awful for her, and wish I could take it away...
If you all don't mind.. keep my friend Jill in your thoughts as she goes through the battle. I would appreciate it more than you know
Re: Sad.. :(
I'll definitely keep her, and you, in my thoughts. (((hugs)))
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Her spirits are high today and she's strong, so I need to be too
I am so sorry about your friend. I just went through breast cancer myself - in fact it was 1 year since my diagnosis this past week. I did all ths surgeries and had chemo. I just had my last surgery this past Friday. It is a long, scary, lonely road. My BFF lives 5 hours from me. I am so blessed as she came for my big surgery and took care of me to help my DH. She came for my last chemo and she came again for my last surgery. She has been so supportive and it has meant the world to me. I have been blogging my experience here: (in case it helps)
Also pass along to her that I was able to keep my hair through chemo with cold caps. Many people don't know about them. My DS doesn't even know about my cancer...he never saw me looking different or sick. Another thing I will tell you is chemo is not as bad as it was years ago. I felt pretty OK for most of chemo. I exercised every day and never took one pill for nausea.
My heart goes out to your friend...I understand what she is dealing with. I will pray for her.