My girls have been taking a combo dance/gymnastics class at Little Gym. They enjoy it but dance is just not their thing (think 2 left feet). They have fun which is all that really matters at this age (3 1/2 and 5 1/2). Both girls have been asking about playing soccer again so we made the decision to pull them from their dance class and start at an indoor soccer place in Jan. The girls have taken classes their before and loved it. It is way less expensive and I can still do Wednesday night at 5pm so it doesn't change our routine at all which I love and while it is further away, I won't have to deal with changing them into dance clothes - they can basically wear anything along with their sneakers and they have a team soccer shirt if they want to wear it. It is a casual class - they learn a ton about being part of a team, about the fundamentals of the game and they have some fun games within the class. Hopefully this goes well and the girls enjoy it. I am glad they tried dance and if they want to do it again when they are older, that is fine but I have a feeling this will be a better fit - they loved it in the past. For now - they have swim lessons on Mondays, soccer on Wednesdays. Younger DD takes a music class in school on Fridays and older DD is just finishing a special science class in school (4 weeks that we may do again when it is offered in the spring and she loves it). We still have our weekends free until next fall when older DD starts Sunday religious school!!!
Jenni Mom to
DD#1 - 6-16-06
DD#2 - 3-13-08
Re: Stopping dance and starting soccer