.....annnnnd then I woke up. Yeah I had a very real feeling dream that DS2 was fully pt'd last night. Guess I've been think about that more than I realized LOL
DS#2 is almost 19 months, and I've been thinking about it too, because DD was fully trained at 18 months, she wanted nothing to do with diapers once she saw the princess undies, DS#2, could care less about anything.
I was going to ask how you did it! DD2 is almost 17 months, and I can't even get her to lay still for a diaper change. It's a wrestling match around here.
Annalise Marie 05.29.06
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
Ha! I was really jealous until I actually opened this post! Though, Jeremy did actually fully p/t at 18mths, so it is definitely possible. He was my only child at the time though and he was p/t'd through lots and lots of bribery
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/9/11 - 34:24 - 1st race evah!
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
Re: Colin (17mo old) is fully potty trained!
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45